Monday, April 6, 2015

Acts 5  Amazing things were happening in Jerusalem.  People were coming to believe in Jesus Christ.  The apostles were doing many miracles.  The believers were helping each other, providing for those in need by bringing what they had and giving it to the apostles to distribute as needed.  Until... Ananias and Sapphira decide to lie.  They sell their land, which was theirs to sell;  they bring a portion of the sale, which was theirs to give; but they agree to lie and say that it was the whole amount.  It is not the fact that they give only a portion that is a problem, but it is the fact that they try to lie about it that brings swift judgement from the Lord.  First Ananias and then separately his wife, Sapphira are struck dead right in front of Peter.   This brought about great fear on the church.  Why did this happen?

Were Ananias and Sapphira really believers?  Or were they pretenders? Were they caught up in the excitement of the times?  Peter indicates that Satan had filled Ananias' heart.  The couple had "agreed together to put the Spirit of the Lord to the test.."  This event would confirm to all who heard that what was happening was really from God. If anyone was trying to join the church, or pretending to believe,  this would be a warning  and a sign.   Perhaps this is something that is missing from our churches today.... a genuine fear of the power of God and the Presence of the Spirit.

Once again the apostles are arrested for preaching in the name of Jesus.  This time, an angel releases them from the prison and sends them back out to preach again.  When the Council sends for them, the prison gates are locked, the guards are still standing, but the apostles are gone! They are found "standing in the temple and teaching the people!" These leaders have the audacity to complain that the apostles have intended to " bring this man's blood upon us."  

 Here, Peter testifies again, this time directly to the High Priest and the council of Israel.  " We must obey God rather than men.  The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had put to death by hanging Him on a cross.  He is the one whom God exalted to the right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him." 

They are flogged and sent out again. They kept on teaching and preaching " Jesus as the Christ".
God did something that no man could have imagined or devised.  He took 11 timid, fearful disciples and built His church.  They were bold and courageous.  They were His witnesses until their deaths.
Oh how our world needs us, the followers of Christ to speak up and obey God rather then men....

Father, fill us with Your Spirit like in those days, that we might truly be Your witnesses and tell others of Jesus the Christ.  May Your Church stop being pretenders and be faithful to preach Christ and Him alone.  Amen.

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