Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Acts 27-28  Paul's journey to Rome is full of unexpected twists and turns - storms, a shipwreck, a viper's bite, and more.  Through it all Paul continues to make the most of every opportunity to speak about Jesus.  All along the way he leaves behind new Christians!  When he finally reaches Rome, Paul has gained favor from the soldiers who accompanied him.  He is allowed to live in his own house with a soldier to guard him and he spends 2 years there, preaching and teaching... and writing.

Let us be encouraged to keep on trusting and speaking up about Jesus.  God will make a way for us.  He will take us where He wants us and keep us in His Hands as long as we keep our eyes on Him and listen to His voice.  He is our Shepherd and we are His sheep.  We need to be encouraged that no matter what the law of the land may be... God has not changed and His purposes for us have not changed.

Father, thank You for the example of Paul and others in Your Word.  May we be faithful, as they were  faithful, even through the storms and shipwrecks that they faced.  Our country is facing great turmoil and struggles now, and things are getting worse.  I pray for Your mercy!  Forgive us for the sin of our land.  Revive us Lord!  Bring righteousness back and stay the hand of darkness and immorality. Give wisdom and discretion to the Supreme Court today as they hear the arguments before them.  Give courage to those who believe in You, to speak the Truth and to not give up.  We ask for Your will to be done and Your Name to be honored.  In the Name of Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen.

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