Friday, April 24, 2015

Acts 18-19   Paul and his friends continue traveling and preaching the gospel.  They reasoned with Jews and Gentiles.  They tried to persuade and teach and strengthen all those they could reach.  Aquila and Priscilla are mentioned here, as well as Apollos.. more devoted teachers of the faith.
"So the word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing." ( 19:20)

God was on the move in Asia and Europe through these men and women of faith and the Lord Jesus was "being magnified".

There was also much opposition... from Jews as well as from those who made their living off of making idols.  Demetrius, the silversmith, was one who caused a great uproar because he was afraid of losing money from his business making silver shrines of Artemis. His greed motivated his attack on Paul and the believers in Ephesus.

Father in heaven, send forth workers into Your harvest field, men and women like Paul and his companions, who will  reason and persuade and teach the Word, leading people to the Lord Jesus.
Father, stay the hand of those who are persecuting Christians.  We pray for the peace and hope and strength of believers who are being oppressed and even killed because of their faith in You.  You have promised that You will build Your church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.  May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come with power and glory and honor to Your mighty Name.

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