Thursday, April 30, 2015

Joshua 1   Four times Joshua is told " be strong and courageous".  Three times this command is spoken from the Lord:

v5 -6 " No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.  Be strong and courageous..."

v 7 " Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go."

v9 " Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous!  Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

The 4th time that these words are spoken, it is from the Reubenites, Gadites , and Manasseh - " Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you; only may the Lord your God be with you, as He was with Moses. Anyone who rebels against your command and does not obey your words in all that you command him, shall be put to death; only be strong and courageous." ( v17-18)

What important words to be spoken to this new leader of the nation of Israel as they are poised to enter the promised land.. knowing that great battles lie ahead.  We can gain encouragement by God's promises to Joshua, for He has also said that He will be with us and not forsake us;  that He will be with us no matter where we go, and that we can succeed if we follow Him, being careful to obey His Word.  In the troubling days that our nation is facing - we need to be strong and courageous just as Joshua and the people of Israel were.  We need to meditate on God's Word, obey God's Word, and believe that God is faithful.

Heavenly Father, You are our Faithful Lord and You never change and never fail.  You have given us a command to love one another, to do good, and to walk in faith by the power of Your Spirit.  We are also charged to be strong and courageous - in Jesus Christ who has all authority in heaven and on the earth. Help us to hear Your voice, to obey Your Word, and to face the uncertainties of our world with Your strength and with courage that comes from faith in the One Who is ever faithful.  According to Your Word we ask this in the Name of Jesus. amen

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Acts 27-28  Paul's journey to Rome is full of unexpected twists and turns - storms, a shipwreck, a viper's bite, and more.  Through it all Paul continues to make the most of every opportunity to speak about Jesus.  All along the way he leaves behind new Christians!  When he finally reaches Rome, Paul has gained favor from the soldiers who accompanied him.  He is allowed to live in his own house with a soldier to guard him and he spends 2 years there, preaching and teaching... and writing.

Let us be encouraged to keep on trusting and speaking up about Jesus.  God will make a way for us.  He will take us where He wants us and keep us in His Hands as long as we keep our eyes on Him and listen to His voice.  He is our Shepherd and we are His sheep.  We need to be encouraged that no matter what the law of the land may be... God has not changed and His purposes for us have not changed.

Father, thank You for the example of Paul and others in Your Word.  May we be faithful, as they were  faithful, even through the storms and shipwrecks that they faced.  Our country is facing great turmoil and struggles now, and things are getting worse.  I pray for Your mercy!  Forgive us for the sin of our land.  Revive us Lord!  Bring righteousness back and stay the hand of darkness and immorality. Give wisdom and discretion to the Supreme Court today as they hear the arguments before them.  Give courage to those who believe in You, to speak the Truth and to not give up.  We ask for Your will to be done and Your Name to be honored.  In the Name of Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Acts 24-26  Paul goes to trial before Felix, then Festus, and then before King Agrippa.  Each time the Jews make accusations but have no proof.  Each time Paul defends himself by simply telling the truth of the Gospel.  Paul states several times that his conscience is blameless " both before God and before men. "  For 2 years Paul is imprisoned by Felix, who would often send for him and converse with him.   After Felix was succeeded by Festus, the Jews once again started making their accusations against Paul and demanded another trial.  Festus asked Paul if he would be willing to go to Jerusalem, but Paul knew the plots against him there and appealed to Caesar.   Festus brought Paul before King Agrippa and his wife Bernice and again Paul speaks out, telling them all about Jesus.  Agrippa himself states that Paul's message is so persuasive that " ... In a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian." 

They would have set Paul free, but for his appeal to Caesar.  But now the events have been set in motion and Paul will go to Rome, just as he was told by Jesus.   The " sober words of truth" , the truth of Jesus, the Resurrected and Living Christ would be preached before "both small and great", so that they  would " open their eyes.. turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith.." in Christ.

Paul's testimony and his heart's cry was that "all who hear me this day, might become such as I am, except for these chains."  

Paul was willing to speak the truth to slaves, to kings, and to those who hated him.  He spoke to idol worshipers and to devout Jews.  It didn't matter who they were or what they did to him, Paul knew that they needed Jesus.  It was his constant prayer that all who heard him would meet Jesus. That needs to resonate with our hearts too...

Father in Heaven, You are Almighty God, and we hallow Your Name.  We pray for Your will to be done and for Your Kingdom to come.  We see the great need for Jesus in our world today and pray that You would send workers into Your harvest field, that many more would meet Jesus Christ and have their eyes opened, that they may turn from darkness to Light, from death to Life.  Lead us in Your paths and give us the courage and wisdom to speak the sober words of truth faithfully, wherever we go.  We pray this in the Name of our living Lord Jesus Christ. amen

Monday, April 27, 2015

Acts20-23  Paul leaves behind his missionary travels and heads to Jerusalem, knowing that he will be arrested there.  Paul is determined to do what God has called him to do... testify of the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ before men, Jews and Gentiles, kings and slaves.  The most important thing to Paul, was that people hear the Good News and repent from their sins, receiving Jesus as Lord.  He didn't know exactly what would happen, but he was determined to trust God and obey His voice.

When Paul testifies of his encounter with Christ he simply tells what he saw and heard. This is his witness.... he was a zealous sinner who met Jesus on the road to Damascus... and his life was forever changed.   Our testimonies are similar... for we were all sinners, on the road to somewhere.. when we met Jesus and our lives were forever changed.  And this is what we need to simply tell others.

Father, thank You for taking me from the dominion of darkness and transferring me into the Kingdom of Your Son.  I may not have had the same kind of encounter that Paul did, but I did meet Jesus and I am determined to follow Him all the days of my life. Give me courage and help me to be faithful to tell of what I have seen and heard from You.  Once again I dedicate myself to You, in the Name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.  Amen

Friday, April 24, 2015

Acts 18-19   Paul and his friends continue traveling and preaching the gospel.  They reasoned with Jews and Gentiles.  They tried to persuade and teach and strengthen all those they could reach.  Aquila and Priscilla are mentioned here, as well as Apollos.. more devoted teachers of the faith.
"So the word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing." ( 19:20)

God was on the move in Asia and Europe through these men and women of faith and the Lord Jesus was "being magnified".

There was also much opposition... from Jews as well as from those who made their living off of making idols.  Demetrius, the silversmith, was one who caused a great uproar because he was afraid of losing money from his business making silver shrines of Artemis. His greed motivated his attack on Paul and the believers in Ephesus.

Father in heaven, send forth workers into Your harvest field, men and women like Paul and his companions, who will  reason and persuade and teach the Word, leading people to the Lord Jesus.
Father, stay the hand of those who are persecuting Christians.  We pray for the peace and hope and strength of believers who are being oppressed and even killed because of their faith in You.  You have promised that You will build Your church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.  May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come with power and glory and honor to Your mighty Name.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Acts 17  Paul, Silas, and Timothy continue their mission in Thessalonica, where some believe but others stir up problems.  Then they go on to Berea, where more come to the faith, until the troublemakers show up from Thessalonica.   Then, Paul is sent off to Athens, while Silas and Timothy stay behind for a little while.

In Athens, Paul is disturbed by the number of idols and preaches in the synagogue and the market place and ends up in the Areopagus, debating philosophers.  Even here in the center of Greek culture, God calls out those who would believe.  Paul's message here is a sound and simple summary of the Gospel for anyone who does not know God ( v24-30):

"The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth does not dwell in temples made with hands; neither is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breath and all things; and He made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, if perhaps they might grope fro Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said,'For we also are His offspring'.   Being then the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thought of man.  Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead."

God is the Creator and the Master of heaven and earth.
God is transcendent above all of His creation.
God is the giver of life.
God is the One who determines even the boundaries of nations.
God desires every man to seek Him.
God has made a way for all men to find Him.

God cannot be made to dwell in human buildings and is not formed by man's imagination.
God wants all men to repent, to think differently, to know Who He really is - because there is a day of judgement coming and His Son Jesus Christ will judge in righteousness.

Father in Heaven, You alone are God, the maker of heaven and earth.  We honor Your Name and worship You alone.  Giver of life, will You open our eyes to see and our ears to here Your Word with repentant and humble hearts?  Will You give us the Spirit of Christ to speak up to those who do not know You, that they also may be saved?  Thank You that You have not closed the door to anyone who seeks You.  Thank You that we can come to know Who You are and Who Jesus is through Your Divine Word.  Thank You for speaking to our hearts today . Amen.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Acts 15-16  After some men came from Jerusalem to Antioch and started telling the Gentile believers that they had to be circumcised and had to follow Jewish Law, Paul and Barnabas head to Jerusalem to talk to the apostles there.  After much debate, James, the brother of Jesus, who has become a leader of the church, gives a final judgement on the matter.

 Peter's experience with Cornelius showed that the Lord made no distinction between the Jews and the Gentiles - the circumcised and the uncircumcised , both:
heard the Word
received the Holy Spirit
had hearts cleansed "by faith"

"But we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they also are." v11

So, James and the apostles and elders wrote to the church in Antioch that the only laws that they should hold to were the laws against idolatry - "abstain from things offered to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication..."

After Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch for a while they decide to go back to all the places that they had been to see how the christians were doing there.  Barnabas wanted to take John Mark along again, but Paul did not since he had deserted them the first time.  They disagreed so strongly that Barnabas left with Mark on their own.  Paul took Silas and went a different way, ending up in Europe - Macedonia, through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord brought Paul, Silas, and Timothy to Philippi where they meet Lydia and lead her to Jesus.  A church is started in her house.  Then there is an incident with a slave girl, who is freed from an evil spirit, leading to Paul and Silas being beaten and thrown in prison.  God sends an earthquake that opens all the doors and releases their shackles, but they do not flee.  Instead they lead the jailer and his family to Christ.

Paul and his fellow workers were all about encouraging and strengthening the "brethren".  This was their goal, along with delivering the Word so that more would come into the church through believing the gospel.  Is that something that our church is doing?  Are we, here in America, focused on the Gospel and on encouraging and strengthening our fellow believers?  We are in great need of revival here in America especially!  We need to get back to basics and stop promoting our own agendas and just preach Christ!

Father in heaven,  lead Your church today.  Fill us with Your Spirit and revive us with Your Grace and glory.  In the name of Jesus we pray. amen.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Acts 14  Paul and Barnabas continue their journey, going to Iconium, where Jewish unbelievers stirred up the Gentile unbelievers until there is an attempt to stone them.  Then they go to Lystra and Paul heals a man who had not walked since birth and the people want to offer sacrifices, thinking that Paul and Barnabas are actually Zeus and Hermes... until the Jews come down from Iconic and they actually do stone Paul.  Yet, Paul gets up and they go to Derbe where the preach again.

After this Paul and Barnabas go back through the cities they visited, "strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying 'Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God'" ( v22)

Then Paul and Barnabas return home and report all that God had done, " and how He had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles." ( v27)

Paul faithfully preached the Gospel and the Lord "was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders."    In verses 15 -17 Paul explains his motivation to keep preaching, " in order that you should turn from these vain things to a living God who made the Heaven and the earth, and the sea and all that is in them. And in the generations gone by He permitted all the nations to go their own ways; and yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons satisfying your hearts with food and gladness." 

Do we share Paul and Barnabas's determination and motivation to share the gospel?  Let us keep on preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ with the understanding that those who do not know Him are serving "vain things" -empty, useless, and temporary things, like money, power, material goods...
We serve a living God Who made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them!  We serve God, Who gives us grace and mercy - doing good for us and we need to honor and acknowledge Him continually.

Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name!  May Your kingdom come!  May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  Forgive us this day our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.  For the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory are Yours alone!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Acts 13  Saul, who now is known as Paul, and Barnabas are sent out as missionaries.  Wherever they go they "proclaim the Word of God."   Sergius Paulus, a proconsul on Cyprus, is one who sought to hear the word of God.  Standing in the way, trying to turn the proconsul "away from the faith"  was a magician, a false prophet, named Elymas or BarJesus.   Paul rebukes Elymas, calling him  a fraud, full of deceit, a son of the devil and an enemy of righteousness.  "..will you not cease to make crooked the straight ways of the Lord?"  ( v10)  Paul tells him, and then proclaims that he will become blind... and it happens immediately.

The proconsul and magician.  These are illustrations of the 2 groups of people everywhere..... the one who seeks to hear the Word and the one who seeks to turn others away from the Word.  Satan has many sons these days as well as back then... many who use deceit and fraudulent words and actions in order to turn people away from the faith.

Paul and Barnabas head to Pisidian Antioch and go to the synagogue there on the Sabbath.  When they are asked to speak, Paul, gives a great sermon.  He begins with the exodus from Egypt, and uses many scriptures to show that Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecy, the promise of God.  

"Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and through Him everyone who believes is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses."  v 38-39

Again, many rejoiced at this message and " as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed." v48  But, some were " filled with jealousy and began contradicting the things spoken by Paul and were blaspheming." v45.    Paul and Barnabas leave, shaking the dust from their feet against the unbelieving Jews, yet many disciples remain behind, "filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit."  v52

Father in heaven, fill us again with Your Spirit, that we might also walk in Your ways and obey Your Word.  May we always be people who seek to hear Your voice, Your Word, that we may know the joy of Your salvation and the glory of Your Kingdom.  Father, stop those who would use deceit and fraud to keep others from following You completely.  Stop the evil one, Satan, and those who are his sons who try to keep people from faith.  Purify our hearts and cleanse us from all the lies that are trying to destroy Your church.  Let Your Truth be proclaimed, not only in our country, but around the world. Be exalted O Lord! We praise and worship You.  Amen.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Acts 11    As Peter returns to Jerusalem, the news goes before him that the Gentiles are being saved.  Of course, this is questioned, but as Peter tells what happened, their doubts turn to joy.  "God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance that leads to life." v18  ( O thank You Father!)

In Antioch, the church takes on new life as both Jews and Greeks ( Gentiles) join together as one body of believers.  Barnabas is sent to Antioch where he "witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord." v23  Then he goes to Tarsus to find Saul and brings him back to Antioch where they work together teaching and serving the church.

Acts 12 - key events:

Herod has James, the apostle, killed.
He has Peter arrested, but an angel of the Lord comes and releases Peter in the middle of the night.
Peter goes to the house of Mary and John Mark and tells them what happened.
Herod cannot find Peter, orders the guard's execution and leaves for Caesarea.
Herod dies at the hand of the angel of the Lord when he does not "give God the glory", but allows himself to be called a god.

 Father in heaven,  You have a plan and purpose for each of us, just as you did for Barnabas, Saul , and Peter.... and even Herod.   O Lord, may we always be true to You and always give You glory.
Lead us in paths of righteousness today, Lord. May we not be tempted by the evil one, who always seeks our destruction, for his plan is always to make us not believe Your Word and to disobey.  Deliver us from all evil.  Keep our eyes and hearts pure as we seek You first today.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.  amen.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Acts 10 Cornelius is a Gentile who fears God, who prays continually to God and who gives gifts of charity to the Jewish people in his town.  He is a centurion, a commanding soldier, a man of power and influence.  But, a man who has humbly devoted himself to Jehovah, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.  This man's prayers and alms " have ascended as a memorial before God", he is told by an angel. ( memorial - a reminder; remembrance). Cornelius is told to send for Peter and he does so immediately.

Meanwhile, Peter is in Joppa and goes up on the roof to pray.  He becomes hungry and while waiting for lunch to be prepared, Peter has an unusual experience... he falls into a trance and sees heaven open up.  He sees a large sheet - like a sail - came down from heaven with all kinds of animals, crawling creatures and birds in it.   He hears a voice telling him to kill and eat from these offered animals, but Peter says, " By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything unholy and unclean." 
But, the Lord says to him, " What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy."   This experience is repeated 3 times!   God is getting a new message across!

Peter is not sure what the message really means, but the Spirit tells him to go with the men who are just now coming to the door of the house to ask for him. So Peter goes with them to Caesarea, to Cornelius's house, and then he gets it!  " ... God has shown me that  I should not call any man unholy or unclean. " ( v28).  This had to be astonishing to Peter, but when he hears Cornelius's testimony, he understands that God is doing a new thing.  " I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him."  Then Peter tells them about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!  " ... He ordered us to preach to the people and solemnly testify that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead.  Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins." 

All those who were in the house and heard these words, believed and the Holy Spirit came and fell upon them.  They were baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.  And the world would never be the same!

This is such an important message! God's plan and purpose for the church of Jesus Christ is so much more than what the apostles and disciples first understood.  A door opens that they never expected - any man, from any nation, could believe in Jesus and receive forgiveness of his sins! God had opened the door to Himself for all men who would "fear Him" and do " what is right".  

We need to rejoice and give thanks for Peter and Cornelius' experience!  The door of salvation was opened for us! For me and for you ( non- Jewish) people.  God Himself has cleansed us and made us holy.  He has welcomed us to Himself!

Thank You Lord! We give You thanks, for You have saved us through faith in Jesus Christ, the Judge of the living and the dead, the anointed One.  We praise Your Name and worship You, because Jesus died for us too. He is our resurrected Lord and King!  Amen and amen!!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Acts 9 Saul's encounter with Jesus happens on the road to Damascus... while Saul is on his way to arrest believers there.  Saul was " breathing threats and murder against the disciples" .  A man who seemed the least likely to become a Christian, becomes one in a matter of moments as Jesus reveals Himself to him.   Saul spent 3 days - blind, fasting, and praying.  When Ananias is sent to lay his hands on Saul, his eyes are opened and he is baptized with water and with the Holy Spirit.

"Immediately".. Saul becomes an evangelist!  His message is simple - Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ.  This message is the only one he will ever preach.

Our conversions may not have been this dramatic, but it would have to be the same in some ways - for we meet Jesus and we become convinced that He is the Son of God.  Because He lived and died and rose again, we can encounter Him along the road of our lives and become His disciples, His followers.. and our lives are never the same again.

But, many of us fail to proclaim Him wherever we go.  We don't "prove" that He is the Christ.  We are afraid of arguing with people like Saul did - we don't want to offend or challenge others.

I don't know about you, but I want to do that more.  To proclaim Christ wherever I go.

Father, fill us with Your Spirit and anoint us to be Your instruments wherever we go.  May we always be ready to proclaim Christ Jesus, the Son of God. Help us to fear You and not others.  Open our eyes and use our mouths to tell others this Good News.  Amen.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Acts 8 Saul is introduced as the young man who stood over the robes of those who stoned Stephen.  Saul became inflamed with the desire to persecute the Christians. He ravaged house after house we are told, "dragging off men and women" to prison.   The result of this persecution was a scattering of the christians from Jerusalem.  But, as they went they preached!

Philip was one of the 7 deacons chosen to help serve the church.  He went to Samaria and began preaching there, starting a great revival.  Peter and John end up coming to Samaria and praying for those who were baptized to receive the Holy Spirit.  Peter sees right through Simon, who wants the power and authority, but whose heart is in " the galls of bitterness and in the bondage of iniquity".    Simon had believed and was baptized, but there was still need of repentance in his heart.

I wonder how many "Christians"  are like Simon?  They have gone through the motions... they have been baptized and go to church... they call themselves christians; but they have not received the Holy Spirit and have not repented of their bitterness and bondage to sin?   Peter tells Simon to pray "that, if possible, the intention of your heart may be forgiven you."  Simon asks Peter to pray for him.  This may be a humble request because he realized his own weakness, or maybe it was a turning away from his own responsibility to deal with his heart's sinfulness.   We are not told which.

Father in heaven,  You are worthy of all our praise and blessings.  We honor You.  You see our hearts and You know our needs.  Lord, expose any false beliefs or bitterness that we need to repent of.  You have made us whole in Christ our Lord, we know, but may we be fully yielded to You, filled with Your Spirit and  walking in Your ways every day.  Come and move us where we need to be and use us to tell others the Good News of Jesus. Amen

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Acts 6-7  Stephen was one of 7 men chosen to serve those in need.  Yet his ministry went far beyond serving tables.  Anointed by the Holy Spirit, " full of grace and power",  Stephen's life took a turn when he began to defend the Gospel.  Arrested and standing before the Council, Stephen preached:

The God of glory spoke to Abraham.
God was with Joseph in Egypt.
Moses was made " ruler and judge" and a deliverer for Israel.
David found favor with God.
Solomon built the temple. ...

Stephen reviews the history of Israel and speaks right to the hearts of the men he was standing before:
"Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who had previously announced the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become;"  (v 52)

They were "cut to the quick" we are told.  But  instead of repenting, they murdered again.  Stephen was driven out of the city and stoned to death,  all the while gazing at the face of the God of glory and of the Son standing at His right hand. " Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" Stephen had no doubts about giving his life up for Jesus.  His last words were a prayer for his killers, " Lord, do not hold this sin against them!" ( v60)

I want to be more like Stephen, living life fully for my Lord.

Father in heaven, the God of glory, may we also be full of grace and power and faith like Stephen.  May we also remind others of all that You have done.  You revealed Yourself to Abraham, to Moses, to David.. to many prophets and to us... You are worthy of every sacrifice that we can offer, including our own lives.  It will be worth it all when we see You.  No matter what You ask of us, You will be with us through it all if we keep our eyes on You. Draw us nearer to Your heart.  Fill us with Your Spirit.  You are our Lord and King . amen

Monday, April 6, 2015

Acts 5  Amazing things were happening in Jerusalem.  People were coming to believe in Jesus Christ.  The apostles were doing many miracles.  The believers were helping each other, providing for those in need by bringing what they had and giving it to the apostles to distribute as needed.  Until... Ananias and Sapphira decide to lie.  They sell their land, which was theirs to sell;  they bring a portion of the sale, which was theirs to give; but they agree to lie and say that it was the whole amount.  It is not the fact that they give only a portion that is a problem, but it is the fact that they try to lie about it that brings swift judgement from the Lord.  First Ananias and then separately his wife, Sapphira are struck dead right in front of Peter.   This brought about great fear on the church.  Why did this happen?

Were Ananias and Sapphira really believers?  Or were they pretenders? Were they caught up in the excitement of the times?  Peter indicates that Satan had filled Ananias' heart.  The couple had "agreed together to put the Spirit of the Lord to the test.."  This event would confirm to all who heard that what was happening was really from God. If anyone was trying to join the church, or pretending to believe,  this would be a warning  and a sign.   Perhaps this is something that is missing from our churches today.... a genuine fear of the power of God and the Presence of the Spirit.

Once again the apostles are arrested for preaching in the name of Jesus.  This time, an angel releases them from the prison and sends them back out to preach again.  When the Council sends for them, the prison gates are locked, the guards are still standing, but the apostles are gone! They are found "standing in the temple and teaching the people!" These leaders have the audacity to complain that the apostles have intended to " bring this man's blood upon us."  

 Here, Peter testifies again, this time directly to the High Priest and the council of Israel.  " We must obey God rather than men.  The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had put to death by hanging Him on a cross.  He is the one whom God exalted to the right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him." 

They are flogged and sent out again. They kept on teaching and preaching " Jesus as the Christ".
God did something that no man could have imagined or devised.  He took 11 timid, fearful disciples and built His church.  They were bold and courageous.  They were His witnesses until their deaths.
Oh how our world needs us, the followers of Christ to speak up and obey God rather then men....

Father, fill us with Your Spirit like in those days, that we might truly be Your witnesses and tell others of Jesus the Christ.  May Your Church stop being pretenders and be faithful to preach Christ and Him alone.  Amen.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Acts 4 The miracle of healing - a man crippled since birth, made completely whole - stunned everyone who witnessed it.  The people rejoiced and praised God; many believed the message and were saved!  But the priests and the elders "were greatly disturbed".  After placing Peter and John in jail overnight, they question them.. but cannot reply... cannot deny... and cannot stop Peter and John from testifying of what they had " seen and heard"

When released, the apostles meet again with the group of believers and together they pray.  Their prayer is that " ... Thy bond servants may speak Thy word with confidence, while Thou dost extend Thy hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Thy holy servant Jesus." 
This prayer is followed by another powerful movement of the Holy Spirit... and answered as those filled with the Spirit "speak the word of God with boldness."

Both "power" and "grace" are given to the apostles as they "were giving witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus."  ( v33)

As we observe Good Friday today and look forward to Sunday, the Resurrection Day, may we be stirred, moved, and filled by the Holy Spirit.. may our prayer be like the prayer of the apostles...

Father God, the Creator of Heaven and earth, You have moved Your Hand and done what You have purposed and predestined to do.  You have expanded Your kingdom and built Your church.  You have claimed a people and called us to follow Jesus Christ our Lord.  May we also speak Your Word with confidence and see Your hand heal and do the wonderful works that only You can do.. that many more will come to believe in Jesus.  Give us boldness to speak of the resurrected Jesus by the power of Your Spirit.  Fill us once again we pray, in the Name of Jesus,  amen.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Acts 3  After the coming of the Holy Spirit the church is transformed.  Peter and John are also transformed in ways they couldn't have imagined.  As they are walking to the temple one morning to pray, they come across a man who is crippled.  When the man begs for alms Peter answers, " I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you; In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene - walk!"  ( v6)  

What is it that Peter has?  He has a Savior.  He has access to the Holy One of Israel.  He has the very One whom Israel "delivered up and disowned".  Peter gave the lame man what he had... " And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know; and the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect health in the presence of you all. " ( v16)

Peter continues to speak to the crowd.  Some are ready to hear the truth now.  The points of his sermon are simple:
You put to death the Holy and Righteous One, the Prince of Life.
But, God raised Him from the dead and we witnessed it.
You were ignorant of who Jesus was.
Yet all the prophets from Moses onward spoke about the suffering of the Christ and it had to be fulfilled.
Repent and return to God for He will forgive you.
He will return when the period of restoration comes.
Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the prophecies and the promises.
Turn to Jesus, take heed of His Word, and be the blessed people you were appointed to be.

 Here is the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ!  Although we reject Him, if we repent - He will forgive us and restore us. Hallelujah, what a Savior!

Father in heaven,  the Lord our God,  You are the self-existent One who has revealed Himself to mankind.  You sent Jesus to die for our sins. You raised Him up so that we might be raised up to Life.  You will send Him again as the King of kings and Lord of lords, to reign forever.  Help us to walk in obedience and in faith.  Let us walk in faithfulness and love, being filled to the full by Your Holy Spirit.  Provide all that we need from Your gracious Hand today, that we might know You more.
It is in faith in His Name  that we pray.  Amen.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Acts 1  Luke writes this account of the acts of the apostles.  He begins where he left off in his first book, the gospel of Luke.  Imagine being in the midst of the apostles as the resurrected Jesus spends 40 days with them, sharing "the things concerning the Kingdom of God."  He also answers an important question - "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom of Israel?"   It is a question that we would like to know the answer to as well!   But Jesus answers, " It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority." 

It is not for us to know. Yet, it is comforting to know that the Father has set and fixed the days and seasons and years by His own authority. Our Father in heaven has the ability, the strength, and the power to determine the life span of history and of each of us individually.  We do not know when Jesus will return and end the world as we know it,  and we do not know when our own lives will end here on earth.  But, this one thing we do know - Our Father has it all under control!

Jesus is lifted up into the sky and the disciples stand there gaping - as would we! Again, imagine being there and seeing that!  They were more than ready to obey all His commands, knowing that He was Who He said He was and that His promises were true.  The apostles waited, just like they were told to do, and the Holy Spirit came and filled them all.

Acts 2  On the day of Pentecost, as they were all together in one place, they heard a loud noise, they saw tongues of something that looked like fire, and they were each filled with the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father.  The first result of this filling was that they spoke up!  " ...we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God".  They weren't trying to speak another language.  They may not even have known that others could understand what they were saying.  They were just proclaiming the works of God! 

Peter stands up and preaches a powerful word about what was happening.  This was prophecy fulfilled. This was about Jesus of Nazareth Whom they had crucified, but Who had risen again.   This was about God's plan of salvation !  " .. This Man, delivered up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.  And God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power." ( v23-24)

As this Truth is preached, 3000 lives are changed!  People repent and receive the Word and are baptized .

" Repent and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  For the promise is for you and for your children, and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call to Himself. " ( v38-39)

This is the message that we also needed to hear and to receive fully.   This promise is for us and for our children!  As the Lord our God calls us to Himself, let us receive His gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit. Let us speak of His wonderful works and proclaim the Good News!

Father, to You all glory and power and blessing belong. We thank You for calling us to Yourself.  We thank You that, although we were far off, You have brought us near and have saved us from death. We thank You that through Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven!  Fill us once again with Your Spirit we pray.  Amen.