Monday, February 9, 2015

John 13 It is the day of Passover, before morning Jesus will be arrested and tried, before the next day is over He will be dead.  He knows this.... He also knows:
v. 3 - "that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come forth from God, and was going back to God,"
v. 11 - ".. He knew the one who was betraying Him; " 

There were no surprises awaiting Jesus.  He was prepared and ready for this hour.  He said and did what He did in the upper room with great purpose and intent.
He "loved them to the end". 
He washed their feet.
He set an example.
He released the betrayer.
He glorified God.
And He gave a new commandment - "... love one another, even as I have love you, that you also love one another." ( v34) 

Jesus loved these men, His close followers had become friends. He was greatly troubled when He let Judas go.  He was very truthful when He told Peter that he was going to deny that he even knew Jesus.  He loved them both, even knowing that one would never come back to Him.

What Jesus did and taught in this upper room is so important that John records it with 5 chapters, almost 1/4 of his whole book.  And it starts here - with washing their feet, dismissing the betrayer and giving the commandment to love one another.  " If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them." He says. ( v17).   To do what He has done, to receive Him and to receive the Father who sent Him.  To glorify God and to love.   Jesus provides the perfect picture of humility and servanthood by washing the feet of His disciples.  The Master became the slave.  The Teacher became the lesson.

How do we do this? By knowing Him. REALLY knowing Him.
Judas did not know Jesus, for if he did, he wouldn't have betrayed Him.
Peter did not even know Jesus at that point, for he would not have denied Him if he did.
So, how do we KNOW Him... it starts with believing what Jesus said.

We need to know that Jesus came from God, went back to God, and was given all things into His hands.  We need to know that He loves those He has chosen.  We need to know His Word and to do it.

Father in heaven, You are Good.  Your Kingdom is glorious and wonderful.  Your will is perfect.
Help us, Father.  Help us with our physical needs - food, health, jobs, finances, safety, and strength.
Help us with our spiritual needs - forgiveness and forgiving, loving others and serving others, walking in right ways and avoiding temptations, deliver us from the evil one.  Grant us wisdom that only comes from above. Give us understanding to do Your will.
Help those in need around us, especially the lost and dying, to find life in Jesus Christ.  Use us to share the good news and shine Your Light today.  We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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