Thursday, February 5, 2015

John 11  Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, the friend of Jesus, became sick and died.   The sisters sent word to Jesus to come.  Jesus knew that He could have healed Lazarus by just saying the Words, but He did not.  He had a greater plan, a plan that would "be for the glory of God".   A plan that would also glorify the Son.  After 2 days Jesus and His disciples headed to Bethany to see Mary and Martha.  By the time they got there Lazarus had been in the grave for 4 days.

Both Martha and Mary profess their faith in the Lord's ability to heal... " Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died," ( v. 21, 32).   What they didn't believe yet, was that Jesus could bring Lazarus back from the dead into life.   Jesus uses this situation to reveal something greater than they ever expected.

Jesus is more than a healer of sicknesses.  He is the Giver of life.  He is the Resurrection and the Life.
The resurrection to come "on the last day", was a firm belief that most of the Jews believed.  Jesus came to tell us and show us that the resurrection was under His authority.   This miracle was meant to give them a "sign", that they could know His identity as the Son of God.  And many did believe because of it.

But, the priests and Pharisees, began plotting even more to put Jesus to death.  They knew what He did was the sign that they had been asking for... but they refused to accept Him as the Messiah anyway.

Father in Heaven, we wonder at the unbelief and rebellion of men who stood at a grave and watched a dead man walk out alive.   They saw death conquered and life resurrected and still hated the life giver.  Oh the heart of man is dark!  Father, You sent the Light of the world and they refused to see.
May our hearts break and our prayers multiply for the many who still walk in darkness on this earth.
Send the Light! Shine in us and through us.  Fill us with Your Spirit today we pray, in Jesus' Name.  Amen

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