Friday, February 20, 2015

John 18   Jesus has said all He needed to say to His disciples.  He is ready for what is coming..  They enter the garden,  He is betrayed by Judas,  He is denied by Peter, and He is questioned by Pilate.

Two things strike me in this chapter -

Verse11 " ... the cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?"

Verse 36  "  My kingdom is not of this world... My kingdom is not of this realm."

Jesus says, ".... For this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth.  Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." (verse37)

Jesus came to do the Father's will, which included drinking "the cup".   And He came to establish His kingdom,  a kingdom unlike any known on earth.  Here are 2 of the truths that He came to bear witness of...   This kingdom is established in a way that is opposite of any on earth.  A kingdom that comes through such great love.. to drink the cup of the Father's wrath against sin.  No other king would give his life for his citizens.  Only Jesus could begin a Kingdom through  His death and resurrection.  What amazing grace!   He had all power and authority.. more than any earthly ruler; but He did not choose to take His kingdom by force - instead He chose to offer His Kingdom in love.

Father,  May Your Kingdom come !

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