Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Deuteronomy 1-2 It is the 40th year and 11th month.  Moses begins to speak to all of Israel, a recounting of all that has happened, a summary of their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.  It is a reminder of God's promises and of their failures.  A recounting of God's Laws and His Providence. And a call to obedience and trust in He Who is able.
"Begin to occupy..."  The Lord directs His people.   They had stayed on the mountain " long enough". (1:6)  It was time to go in and do what they should have done 40 years before.  Like Caleb, they needed to " follow the Lord fully" ( 1:36)

Moses reminds the people that God keeps His promises.  They could not touch the land that God gave to Esau, or to Lot's descendants.  They could only take what God would deliver to them.  But they did have to take it.  They had to "occupy"  or possess it in order to possess it.  ( 2:31)

We, also, have been given a promise - an abundant, eternal life.  A oneness with Jesus.  A fullness of joy.   Perhaps God is calling us to "occupy" or "possess" this LIFE.  We've been circling the mountain long enough ! We need to be like Calab and follow the Lord fully.... occupying the promised Land of God's power and grace.  Living the Life of Christ with full and complete surrender to His Spirit.

Father in Heaven,  to this call we respond, bowing in worship of our King.  You are worthy of all our praise and honor and obedience.  Fill us again! That we might truly live the life of Christ, here and now.  We are Your possessions.  Amen

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