Friday, February 6, 2015

John 12  Jesus comes back to Bethany and enters into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey, fulfilling prophecy.. and many recognize Him as Messiah and celebrate His coming.  But, many others are plotting His death.  Again, Jesus prepares His disciples and friends for what is coming, although they still don't understand.  When Mary anoints His feet, Jesus tells them straight out that it is for His burial. When the Greeks come to Phillip and he goes to Andrew to tell Jesus, it is like a sign has been given and Jesus tells them, " The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."

His message is clear:
He is like a seed that will be planted and will die but then bear fruit.
His purpose was always for this hour.
His desire is that the Father be glorified.
His light is given so that the darkness will not overtake them. 
To believe in Him is to believe in the Father.
To see Him is to see the Father.
He came to give light.
He came to save the world.
He came to keep men from the judgement.
He spoke only what the Father desired. 
He obeyed the Father's commandment which is eternal life. 

The hour has come.  One day those words will be spoken once again.  Time will stop. Eternity will begin. Those who believe in Jesus and do what He said, will have eternal life.  Those who walk in darkness and reject the Light, will have eternal judgement.  Jesus made it clear in His teaching.  Believe and follow.  Trust and obey.  More important than anything this world has to offer.  To know and walk in the Truth is more vital than food for the body.  To thirst for His righteousness is more vital than thirsting for water in the midst of a desert.

Father in heaven, we need You.  We need You every day and every hour.  May we walk in the Light. May we glorify Your Name.  May we follow Jesus and do what He has told us to do . ... to lay down our lives and take up His cross and follow Him.  To love You with all of our being and to love others as we love ourselves.  To be filled with Your Spirit and to walk in the Spirit.  Be our vision and be our  Rock.  We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen

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