Friday, February 27, 2015

Deuteronomy 5  Moses repeats the 10 commandments - the foundational Law that makes up the covenant between the Lord and Israel.  These commandments are timeless and flawless.  They are as true for us as they were for the people who had wandered in a wilderness for 40 years.

"You shall have no other gods before Me."  and " You shall not make for yourself an idol.."
- God is God alone.  To give worship or service to any other person or thing is to diminish the Sovereignty and Holiness of the Lord God, Who is Almighty, Infinite, Transcendent and Eternal.   He is a "jealous" God and a consuming fire.  He will not share His glory with any false idol.   He will punish those who disobey and show lovingkindness to those who love Him and obey Him.

"You shall not take the name of the Lord Your God in vain."   To lift up, raise, or even magnify His Holy Name in any way that is vain- evil, destructive, useless, deceptive or idolatrous - is to ask for punishment.   God desires us to honor His Name.  Jesus taught us to pray, "... Hallowed be Thy Name".  This is more than just using His Name as a swear word... it is any misuse of His Name, anything that does not show honor to Him.

"Observe the sabbath day to keep it holy."   A day of rest.  A day to cease working and to allow others to cease working.  A day to remember the deliverance that God provided.  We need to set aside a day to rest and remember the Lord's provisions for us too.

" Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord you God has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God gives you. "
Family is so important to God.  He has created it as a foundation for society.  Respect for the authority of your parents will lead to prosperity and wholeness.  Where there is no honor for parents, we see chaos and catastrophic failure.

" You shall not murder."
"You shall not commit adultery "
"You shall not steal"
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." 
" You shall not covet your neighbor's wife..."  or anything that belongs to him. 

Foundational truths to establish a nation.  Truths that will serve to make any nation wise and understanding, prosperous and righteous.

Father, You Word is perfect.  Thank You for giving us these Laws.  They show us what is right and good in Your eyes.  They lead us in paths of righteousness.  They help us to know Your heart.  We know that no one is able to keep the Law perfectly, but we thank You that Jesus did and that we are in Him. Give us pure hearts and clean hands, to walk in Your ways and bring glory and honor to Your Name. Amen.

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