Tuesday, February 3, 2015

John 10  Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  He uses this parable to help the Jews to understand Who He really is:

He comes in through the "right" door - He doesn't come in like a thief or a robber;  He comes legitimately to receive His own sheep.  They recognize Him and follow Him because they know His Voice.  ( verses 1-5)

He IS the door - He is the only legitimate way for the sheep to be safe.  A thief will not come to care for the sheep, but instead will come to steal them, kill them, or destroy them.  Only the good Shepherd will come to give the sheep life. ( verses 7-10)

The Good Shepherd will give His life for His sheep.  A hired man will run from the wolf, but the Shepherd will give Himself for His sheep.
He knows His sheep.  
He cares for His sheep.  
He is known by His sheep.
His sheep will follow Him because they belong to Him.  They will never be snatched away.  They will never perish.  They are secure in His Hand and in the Father's hand. 

Jesus bears witness of His authority to lay down His life and to take His life up again.  This authority has come from the command of the Father .  He also bears witness that He and the Father are one.  The works that He has done are the works of the Father.  These prove that He came from the Father, was sanctified by the Father, and is in the Father. 

The Jews really have a problem with these statements and would have killed Jesus on the spot if they could have.  But, others understand and believe what Jesus is saying.  These are His sheep because they hear His voice and follow Him. 

Our Father in heaven, we come to You because of the Good Shepherd, Who laid down His life for us.
Thank You for receiving us into Your fold, safe in Your Hand, to never be snatched away by the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  Praise and honor and blessings we give to You!  You are so good to us, Jesus, giving us life, real life that will never end.  Thank you for caring for us.  For guarding us.  For loving us.  May we hear Your voice and follow You every day and every hour. We pray this in Your Name. Amen.

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