Monday, March 2, 2015

Deuteronomy 6  Moses reminds the people that they need to learn the commandments, teach the commandments, and do the commandments.

They were to listen and be careful ( v3); bind them on their hands and forehead ( v8);  watch themselves ( v12);  and fear ( v13) the Lord and Him only.   If they did this the results would be amazing:
They would be well - sound, beautiful, happy successful, right, glad, kind, skillful.
They would multiply greatly.
They would possess the land.
It would bring good for them and be righteousness to them.

The people were to be diligent to teach the commands to their children and grandchildren.  " and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." (v7)   They were to write the commands on their doorposts and on their gates.
Coming and going - the Word of God would be everywhere, producing an atmosphere steeped in the Presence and Goodness of God.

Imagine a country where every citizen knew the 10 commandments and obeyed them!  Where everyone loved and served God with all their heart and soul and might.  Where every individual feared God and worshiped Him alone.  Where all were careful to "do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord."(v18).   This is God's will!  This was what He would have done for Israel if she would have obeyed.   It is what He would do for us.. if we would keep His commandments.

Father in heaven,  You are worthy of our worship and reverence .  We love Your Word and want to be faithful to do it.  Fill our hearts with Your commandments and righteousness so that we might walk in Your ways and  love You with all our beings.   May we be careful to know Your Word and to do them and to teach them to our children and grandchildren, surrounding them and ourselves with Truth and righteousness.  Come and fill us now, Holy Spirit, that we may be strengthened by Your glorious might.  Produce in us the fruit of righteousness and love.  In the mighty and precious Name of Jesus we ask these things.  Amen.

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