Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Psalm 136:4-9  We give thanks to The Lord, because He is good, because of His everlasting kindness.  We thank Him, who is God of gods and Lord of lords, the God of heaven.  These next verses extol God for His mighty work of creation:
He alone "does great wonders" v4
He "made the heavens with skill" v5
He "spread out the earth above the waters"v6
He "made the great lights", the "sun to rule by day",  "the moon and stars to rule by night" v7-9
With intelligence and wisdom - skillfulness, He made the universe.  God alone, does such great wonders. These are the mighty acts of God that we must praise and talk about with our children and grandchildren. "One generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare Thy mighty acts." Ps. 145:4.   We have failed this as a nation, as a world.  But it is not too late!  For His loving kindness is everlasting!  He is good!  And He is Almighty, Sovereign, never changing, Perfect God. Praise Him forever and ever!  Bless His Holy Name!

Jonah 3-4
Jonah obeys the Lord's command to go to Nineveh, but he is still a reluctant witness.  He simply repeats what God told him to say, " Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown."  He doesn't tell anything about how great God is, nor Who God is, or even what God desires.  The work that is done in the heart of the king and of the people of Nineveh is done without Jonah's love or compassion, without his desire or prayers.  It is done by God alone. It is the king's proclamation that "men call on God earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence which is in his hands."  that brings the people to humble themselves before God in repentance.  God sees and relents from destroying them.
Jonah is so angry that all he wants to do is die.  He " knew that Thou art a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity."  He feels that he has every right to be angry at God.  For God has allowed wicked men to repent and not be punished for their sins.  God is so tender and patient with Jonah. For Jonah has already forgotten that God had allowed him to repent from his rebellion and had rescued him from a fishes belly .
 Jonah goes and sits outside of the city, watching to see what happens.  God appoints a plant to cover Jonah, a worm to eat the plant, and a scorching wind to blow.  Jonah is sunburned, faint, and ready to die in his anger.  Jonah "had compassion" for the plant which only lasted one day but had made Jonah happy and comfortable.  God had compassion on 120,000 babies in a great city where there was no hope.
God is "righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds" Ps. 145:17.  He had compassion upon Nineveh and He had compassion upon Jonah.  He can bring a city to repentance through the words of a reluctant angry prophet.  He can change a nation through even us.  If we had the message from God that Jonah had... if we knew that our nation would be overthrown in 40 days... would we preach it?
Let us speak about the greatness of our Holy God!  Let us tell of His everlasting kindness and love. And let us be real about the fate of the wicked, for they will perish unless they humble themselves before God like the people in Nineveh did.

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