Thursday, May 30, 2013

Psalm 130  " I will wait for The Lord, my soul does wait, And in His Word do I hope"
The psalmist encourages all of Israel to wait on The Lord.  He confesses his own intention to wait on The Lord, even more than a watchman waits for the morning.  One of my favorite books by Andrew Murray is Waiting on God.   Murray's focus is on our great need of God, he says that the great lack in our religion is that we do not know God and that the only way to truly KNOW Him is to learn to practice this art of waiting upon Him.  It is a powerful book and I cannot begin to express all that is contained here, but I can highly recommend it to anyone who has a desire to go deeper, to know God more. It will change your prayer life.  Let me give one quote,
         " Learn to worship God as the God who does wonders, who wishes to prove in you that He can                                        do something supernatural and divine.  Bow before Him, wait upon Him, until your soul realizes that you are in the hands of a divine and almighty worker. Consent but to know what and how He will work. Expect it to be something altogether godlike, something to be waited for in deep humility, and received only by His divine power.  Let the, 'and now Lord, what wait I for? My hope is in thee' become the spirit of every longing and every prayer."
    Yes, I need to also learn this practice that the psalmist has recommended.... I will wait for The Lord.

Zechariah 4
A vision is given to Zechariah.  A lampstand with 7 lamps.  2 olive trees, one on the right and one on the left.  The angel asks Zechariah if he knows what these are and the answer is "no".  The angel tells him that these are the "eyes of the Lord which range to and fro throughout the earth".  ( v10).   But before he tells him the meaning of the lampstand he tells him that Zerubbabel will complete the building of the temple.  " Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says The Lord of hosts." God's grace will be with Zerubbabel.   Zechariah asks about the olive trees and is told that these are the 2 anointed ones, who stand by The Lord of the whole earth.
God is at work, Zechariah is told, and God will complete His work. By His Spirit. It may be beyond our understanding. But as we wait upon Him, it will become clearer.  Thank you Lord for the work that You are completing even now in our times, in our lives, in our church.  By Your Spirit!.  Praise The Lord.

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