Thursday, May 2, 2013

Psalm 136:10-22  The psalmist leads us in the song of thanksgiving, remembering the mighty acts of God as He brought Israel out of Egypt and into the promised land.  It was God Who "smote the Egyptians in their first-born", "divided the Red Sea", and "slew mighty kings".   It was the strong hand of God, His outstretched arm that led Israel out of bondage and into freedom.  He gave His people a land, a heritage, an inheritance.  Why?  "For His lovingkindness is everlasting".   He knew their grumbling, their rebellious natures, their future apostasy. He knows ours as well.  But, it is He "who remembered us in our low estate.... rescued us from our adversaries...."  and gives us our daily bread.  He is the Gift giver.  And we are the thanks -givers.   I love the little book one thousand gifts.  The author tells of the Greek word for thanks "eucharisteo" - from charis - grace, chara - joy.  She says " Jesus took the bread and saw it as grace and gave thanks."  This word, eucharisteo, give thanks,  "Grace, thanksgiving, joy".   " A threefold cord that might offer a way up into the fullest life?" The psalmist knew this truth.  The people of Israel sang this song.  Let us join them.  " Give thanks to The Lord for He is good; For His lovingkindness if everlasting."  Amen.

II Timothy 1
Paul writes a final letter to Timothy, whom he loved like a son.  He reminds Timothy of his love for him,  his prayers for him, and his gladness in the sincere faith that Timothy has displayed.  Paul encourages Timothy to have courage, love, and discipline in the Holy Spirit, to use his gifts, and to live boldly for the gospel. Paul has suffered and is imprisoned because of the gospel, and Timothy must not falter because of this.  He must be prepared to also suffer for the sake of Jesus Christ.
God has saved us and called us for " His own purposes and grace, which was granted to us in Christ Jesus from all eternity."   He abolished death and brought real Life, eternal life, through the Gospel.  This is not something to be ashamed of, but to glory in. This has been entrusted to us and we must guard it carefully, even as Timothy and Paul did.
The gospel, the good news, "sound words" of  Jesus Christ, The Lord and Savior bring life.  These are words that have power.  Power to change lives, power that redeems sinners, rescues the perishing, and brings life to the dead and light to the darkness.  We are either ashamed of this Truth, or we are willing to suffer for it. Some had turned away from Paul, not willing to suffer for the gospel.  But Paul pleads for Timothy, "Suffer hardship with me,as a good soldier of Christ Jesus." II Tim. 2:3.
Father grant me also the gift of Thy Spirit, the spirit of power, love, and discipline.  The courage to suffer for the sake of Your dear Son, Christ Jesus.  Grant to me grace, mercy, and peace in Christ Jesus. Thank You. Amen.

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