Saturday, May 11, 2013

Psalm 135: "For I know that The Lord is great, And that our Lord is above all gods".   God's power is revealed in nature and in nations.  Idols, silver, gold, or whatever,  have no power whatsoever.  Know it.  Count on it!  Believe it!  Live it.  This is the Truth. Praise The Lord!

Micah 4 pictures the time of Jesus' reign on earth.  The "mountain of the house of The Lord" will be raised up higher than any other and people will stream to it, Micah tells us.  They will come to be taught God's ways.  He will judge, he will bring peace, He will redeem His own.  No matter what we think now about Israel, or about any nation or power on earth,  it is God Who reigns.  "But they do not know the thoughts of The Lord, And they do not understand His purpose" v12.  God's power is not limited in any way.  We need not despair, for His purposes are being accomplished, even right now.  Even here in the United States of America.  "And He will judge between many peoples and render decisions for mighty distant nations." v3.  Our God reigns and there is no end to His Kingdom!
Praise The Lord!

Micah 5 tells us about the 1st coming of Jesus.  Here we find the prophecy of His birth in Bethlehem. (v2).  Here we are told that "they will smite the judge of Israel on the cheek".   He  who comes forth to "be the ruler in Israel"  will arise and "shepherd His flock" .  "And this One will be our peace."
Jesus came from the "days of eternity", giving them up to "she who is in labor".
Verses 7-15 tell of the remnant of Jacob scattered among the nations.  About a time of vengeance and anger. A time of judgement on the nations that do not obey the Word of The Lord.  Oh how we need to know the Truth and Worship God with reverence and awe.  Our nation is heading away from God and we will suffer for it.  Help us Father!  Turn hearts and lives back to Your Word.  Shine Your light on us and push back the darkness that seeks to ruin this nation.  Forgive us and redeem us we pray. Amen.

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