Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Psalm 130: 7  "... and with Him is abundant redemption"  Redemption -Hebrew-pduth/ padah - deliverance, ransom, by any means... rescued.   Greek - apolutrosis, from apo- away from, out of;  and lutron- to loosen with, a redemption price ( atonement) -ransom.   Romans 3: 24-25  says " .. being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith."  Abundant redemption,  KJV says
"plenteous redemption"  -rabah - increase, abundance, continue, enlarge, excel, exceeding, greater, heap, many, more, much, multiplied, thoroughly, very.   How marvelous is our God, with Whom redemption is more than enough, for you and for me.  He has rescued us from sin's grasp, from Satan's tyranny, from the prison of self.  Through Christ Jesus the ransom price was paid in full!
There is "room at the cross" for you, come and marvel with me. He has paid it all!  Praise to The Lord and to our Saviour, Christ Jesus. Amen.

Zechariah 1-3
The first vision is found in 1:1-6.  The Lord declares "Return to Me"  and says "that I may return to you".   In the past this message had been given and ignored.  Because of this the fathers were gone.  What God said He would do, He did.  " As The Lord of hosts purposed to do to us in according with our ways and our deeds, so He has dealt with us."   A sobering message that is much needed in our world today.  May we not forget!  Unless we turn to Him, returning to Truth, finding His redemption to be abundant for us, then we will be lost forever. Left in bondage. We will perish.  But if we repent and return then He will return to us!  What a Mighty God we serve!
The second vision begins in v7.   It focuses on the Lord's return to Jerusalem.  He is coming with compassion, He tells Zechariah. He is coming to dwell with them in her midst. Gracious and comforting words.  Zechariah sees Joshua, the high priest, standing before The Lord and Satan standing next to him, accusing him.  But The Lord rebukes Satan.  Then The Lord does a beautiful thing for Joshua, taking his filthy garments, taking away his iniquity, and clothing him with clean garments. And he gives a precious promise, " Thus says The Lord of Hosts, If you walk in My ways, and if you will perform my service, then you will govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here" .  Joshua is told a marvelous truth.  "I am going to bring in My servant, the Branch"  Jesus is coming!  And, " I will remove the iniquity of the land in one day."  Redemption is drawing nigh!.  Precious words!  Wonderful Words.  Wonderful words of Life!

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