Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Psalm 133 David writes this psalm of brotherly love and unity.  Such unity is likened to the perfume and luxury of the oil used in the tabernacle to anoint the priest.  It is desirable, it is holy, it is precious, it is necessary for true worship.  It is vital to fruitful living, like the dew from the mountain.
Matthew Henry says that loving people are blessed people.   They are blessed of God. The blessing is according to His command, according to His promises, and everlasting. "Those that dwell in love not only dwell in God, but do already dwell in heaven. As the perfection of love is the blessedness of heaven, so the sincerity of love is the earnest blessedness."  The epitome of what is good.  
So what does one do when there is a lack of unity in the church?  Especially when it is due to someone else who has caused it?  Someone who chooses to be anonymous?  Oh Lord, You know.  Help me to love in spite of the betrayal and hurt that has come our way. I cannot do it without You.

It continually amazes me how my meditation on the psalms and my daily reading in the OT and NT come together.... seemingly random passages, but a common focus brought out by the Shepherd's spotlight.  The letter that Paul writes to Philemon emphasizes brotherly love as much as Psalm 133.
v 1 Paul calls Philemon "our beloved brother"
v 5 Paul commends Philemon for the love toward Christ and toward all the saints.
v 9 Paul appeals to Philemon for love's sake to do as he asks.
v 16 Paul calls Onesimus "more than a slave, a beloved brother"
v20 Paul desires to benefit from Philemon's willingness to do as Paul has asked, once again noting their brotherhood.
This unity in Christ Jesus is beyond human capacity.  A bond has been forged between Paul and Onesimus, a runaway slave, and between Paul and Philemon, the slave's owner.  Paul uses the persuasion of love to bring together the slave and owner into a relationship of brotherly love.
Onesimus had to be radically changed to go back into slavery willingly.  He trusted Paul who sent him back.  Paul trusted Philemon to do the right thing.  Philemon also had to trust Onesimus to come back and stay. It is the power of love in Jesus Christ that forges brotherly bonds between these men.
He alone can do that for us also. Thank You Jesus for this Truth.  For the Hope that is in You.  Have your own way Lord!  It is "good". Amen.

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