Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Psalm 130: 3  "If Thou, O Lord, shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?" Until you say, "Not me."  you can not rejoice in the next verse (4) "But there is forgiveness with Thee."   Thomas a` Kempis writes in The Imitation of Christ of examining our conscience in preparation for  communion.  It is a stirring list of the deep hidden thoughts of our heart.  Paraphrased, it includes lamenting and grieving that:
You are worldly, immorally lust-filled.
You are careless with your senses, caught up in sensuality.
You are focused on outward things, "negligent in things inward and spiritual"
You are full of laughter and mirth, indisposed of tears of repentance or regret for sin
You are happy to be at ease and enjoying pleasures, reluctant to have self-discipline for the sake of Christ.
You are curious to hear the latest news, to see the beautiful sights, but unable to appreciate the humble and low.
You want and covet abundance, keeping for yourself, but stingy in giving to those in need.
You are "inconsiderate in speech, so reluctant to keep silence"
Unmannered, fretful , You are "so eager about food, so deaf to the Word of God; In such a hurry to rest, so slow to labor; So wakeful in vain conversation, so drowsy at sacred services;..." and the list goes on.
O Lord, if You count all my sins, I am unable to stand!  I wait for You, I hope in Your Word. For there is "forgiveness with Thee",  "for with the Lord there is lovingkindness, and with Him is abundant redemption" ( v7).  Lord, God of Heaven and earth, Father and Saviour, have mercy on us! Thank You that "the Lord is good to all, and His mercies are over all His works" ( Ps. 145:9).  Your greatness is indeed unsearchable, You are great in lovingkindness!  I praise You and bless Your Name!  Every day Lord, I extol You! You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and full of lovingkindness!  Praise The Lord!

Haggai delivers 4 messages to the returned Israelites in Jerusalem.
1. "Consider your ways"  You are living in rebuilt, paneled houses,  but the Temple is not rebuilt. That is why you can not prosper,  food, wine, clothing, work.... empty and dry, because you have not reverenced The Lord.
The people obeyed, and humbled themselves and God began to bless.
2. " Take courage" - The people remembered the beauty of the temple in its former glory and saw that this one could not come close.  But God Himself is with them, His Spirit is abiding there in their midst. A time is coming when it will be even more glorious than before.
3. "Do consider from this day forward... I will bless you" -  There is a picture given here,  what is holy cannot make another thing holy by touching it; but something unholy can make another thing unclean.  It is easier to become unclean than clean.  It is important for the people to not only obey God by rebuilding the temple, but to purify themselves from the unclean practices and impure hearts that took them into exile in the first place.  It is a new day, a day of new life , a day to follow and obey God like they never did before.  And He will bless them.
4. ".. for I have chosen you"  This last message is for Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah.  The "servant" of God.  The descendant of David, the ancestor of Jesus. "On that day..." when heaven and earth are shaken, when thrones of kingdoms are destroyed,  when there is no nation that can stand,  there will be a King, chosen by the Holy One of Israel.
So the Shepherd speaks these Words to us too.  "Consider your ways" - Are we giving our ALL to Christ?  Honoring Him above all?  If not then we will not truly prosper or be ever satisfied.
If we humble ourselves and reverence Him, then we can "Take courage"  for He is with us!  And He will bless us as long as we stay in right relationship with Him.  We have a Hope that is certain and sure.  That day is coming when Christ will reign on earth .  It will be a Kingdom of Peace.  O what a day that will be!

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