Thursday, May 9, 2013

Psalm 135:5-14  The Lord's greatness deserves our praise, the psalmist tells us.   Matthew Henry's Commentary says that this section gives us the psalmist's proofs, by his observation and by the revelation of it.   That God is great is proven by the greatness of His power, absolute power to do whatever it is that pleases Him. ( v6).  No one can hinder God from doing what He wills. His power is absolute no matter where we look, heaven or earth, or under the earth.  His power is shown in nature - lightning, rain, wind - those things that we cannot control.  His power is absolute in His dealings with nations.  He rescued Israel, overthrew Pharaoh, struck down kings, and fulfilled His promises.  "No power of hell or earth can prevent the accomplishment of the promise of God when the time, the set time, for it has come." ( Matt. Henry).  
God's greatness is shown also in His glory and grace.   His name is everlasting.  " God is, and will be, always the same to His church, a gracious, faithful, wonder-working God; and His church is , and will be, the same to him, a thankful praising people; and thus His Name endures for ever."   God will "judge His people" - He rules, He contends, He executes judgements, but He is on our side!   He "will have compassion on His servants" (v14).  He will have pity, He will comfort, He will show mercy.  He delights in doing good for those who are His own.
"Great is The Lord and highly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable." Ps. 145:3   I praise You Father for You are great in power, great in glory, and great in grace!  You are amazing, unchanging, perfect in every way.  Thank You that You choose to reveal Your power to us in our experiences as well as through Your Word.  You have made me Your own child, Your daughter.  That is a wonderful work, a mighty act, an awesome act of pure and perfect grace.  Oh how great You are, how lovely and beautiful is The Lord God Almighty! Amen.

Micah 1-3 Micah pronounces the coming of God in judgement against the sins of Israel and Judah.  When God brings judgement against sin it is fierce and powerful. " For behold, The Lord is coming forth from His place. He will come down and tread on the high places of the earth. the mountains will melt under Him, And the valleys will be split, like wax before the fire, like water poured down a steep place." v3-4.   The judgement is certain and it is frightening.
Ch 2 addresses specific sins.  They scheme iniquity and work on their evil plans at night while lying on their beds.  They use their power to harm. They covet fields and steal them, they rob men and houses.  They take away inheritances from men.  Those who should be standing up for the victims fail to do so.  They refuse to listen to the warnings of the prophets.  They steal the shirts right off the backs of strangers. They treat soldiers returning from war with disrespect and steal from them too.  They evict women from their own houses. They harm children.  They tell lies and make false promises.
Ch. 3 addresses certain groups of people who have failed in their responsibilities.
The rulers don't know justice, they love evil and hate good.  They devour people.
The prophets and  priests led people astray, wanting only money.
Bribes and extortion.  They " twist everything that is straight". 3:9b.  All the while prideful and arrogant, proclaiming to be the Lord's.
This could be written of America today.  Our rulers don't know justice and they certainly don't believe the Truth of God's Word.  They love evil and hate good. Many religious organizations have led people astray.  They do twist everything according to what they want and seek money from those who want them to say that sin is not sin.
We must listen to the voice of the prophets, we must be "filled with power- with the Spirit of The Lord and with justice and courage."  To tell our nation also their sins and their rebellious acts.  ( 3:8)
Keep speaking the Truth. Know the Word of God and speak it.  Know God and keep your gaze on Him.  He is a God of judgement, but He is a God of mercy also.  Make it known to those around you today.

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