Friday, May 31, 2013

Psalm 130  Once again as I read and meditate on this song I am inspired to give thanks to The Lord most High.  For He is the Redeemer, He does not punish us as our sins deserve, but He gives forgiveness.  In  His great love and kindness, He has provided salvation.  He has ransomed
It is out of the depths of my sin that I cried to Him and He heard my voice. He is my Hope and it is in His Word that I find the good news of salvation.  Praise the Lord!  For He is good and His lovingkindness is everlasting!  He has made me His own.  "Thank You for saving me!  What can I say?"  we sing. And it is so true.  Thomas a` Kempis writes, that as we prepare for communion, confessing our sins, shutting out the world, coming to truly commune with our Lord, realizing that the truth is there is nothing we can do that would be sufficient, we marvel once again :
      " But it is out of my mere grace and favor that thou are permitted to come to my table. As if a beggar were invited to a rich man's dinner, and he hath no return to make to him for his benefits, but to humble himself and give thanks."
       It is God who has called us.  It is He who supplies all that is missing is us. It is He who has had mercy, He who came to sanctify us and make us holy. Receive this grace.
Jesus tells us "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 5:3 The poor- the pauper, the beggar, the mendicant, who lives totally dependent on the alms, the gifts, of others.  We must receive this GRACE, this gift, from our Savior's Hand. And give thanks.  Oh Lord, thank You!  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ," Eph. 1:3

Zechariah 5  Two more visions are given to Zechariah.  V 1- 4 describe a giant scroll, written on both sides.  This, we are told, is a curse.  It specifically pronounces judgement over those who steal and those who give false witness.  These 2 represent the commandments written on the tablet given to Moses, says the Bible Knowledge Commentary.  The 3rd and the 8th, the middle of each side of the carved tablet.  God is purging out the sins of Israel.
The second vision is very interesting.  Zechariah sees a bushel basket, an "ephah". On top was a lead cover and when it was lifted there sat inside a woman.  We are told that her name is "Wickedness". The angel threw her down into the basket and slammed on the lid.  Then 2 other women, with wings, came and carried away the basket to Shinar ( Babylonia).  There will come a time when she will be set on a pedestal there.   BKC suggests that this represents idolatry being removed from Israel and taken back to its place of origin, where final judgement will come before the millennial kingdom is established.
So what is the message of the Shepherd to me?
No matter how long it seems, there is coming a time of judgement. Every theft and every lie is counted.  All wickedness will be purged. "The Lord keeps those who love Him, but all of the wicked He will destroy" (Psalm 145:20).   Our only Hope is Jesus Christ!  He calls us to Himself.  He will forgive, He will cleanse us from all sin and shame.  He will give us Grace.  Our world is exploding in boastful, prideful, wickedness. They are ignoring the Word of God and going in their own ways.  They do not fear God and are heading into judgement.  We must speak up!  OH Father, help me to speak up and share the Good News of Your abundant redemption.  Forgive me for failing to do so.
Spirit of God, fall fresh on me. Use me. Give me love for the lost and boldness to tell the Truth.

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