Monday, June 10, 2013

Psalm 128  A song of blessing.  To be blessed, happy, right, straight - Hebrew "esher".   To have food to eat  and health to enjoy it ( v2);  To have a wife and children,  family who are happy and healthy; (v3); To live a life of  prosperity - "tuwb" - goodness, beauty, gladness, joy; (v5).  To live a long, peaceful life.  To live to see your grandchildren grow up.  This is what it means to be blessed of The Lord.  It is a life of simplicity - contentment- love.  Provision for needs, family, and goodness.  This is what it all comes down to, what the world craves but cannot find, what they are really lacking when they try to fill that hole with worthless substitutes.  You cannot buy contentment.  You cannot buy blessing.

The secret to such a life is found in verse 1 " How blessed is everyone who fears The Lord, who walks in His ways."  The blessing is a gift given to any who have a right relationship with Yahweh- with "I AM".  The Creator God, Almighty, Unchanging, Self-existent, Eternal , Holy One.  We who "fear" Him, who walk in His ways - trod His road, fix our course of life on Him, journey along with Him, have conversation with Him,  become His passenger on this highway of life.   To have a reverence, a rightful fear of the terribleness, the awesomeness of  the All powerful, all knowing One. A fear that breaks our prideful arrogance, that renders us, like Isaiah, stricken down, like a dead man, in His presence. This is the way to blessing.  It does not come from our efforts, our works, but from His Grace. A Gift to be received with thankful hearts.  Bless The Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name!

Zechariah 7-8  Men come to Jerusalem to ask a question about the fasts "Shall I weep in the fifth month...?"  They are back from exile and rebuilding the temple. What did God have to say about their weeping and fasting now?  Before the answer is finally given in 8:19, The Lord has something more to say to them:
First of all, when they were fasting during the 70 years of exile, "was it actually for Me that you fasted?"   Even more, did they eat and drink for themselves too?   Paul wrote that whatever it is we do, whether we eat or drink, we are to "do all to the glory of God".  The Jews were asking the wrong question. Again.
The issues that God wanted to address were issues of the heart, not issues of traditions or outward, empty, rites or religion.  "Dispense true justice, and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother;" 7:9  He tells them.  Take care of the widow, orphan, stranger, poor.  "do not devise evil in your hearts against one another." That is what caused the exile in the first place.  Evil hearts.
The remnant is coming back to Israel.  God is bringing His people back.  He is saving them, so they can be a blessing.  He has purposed to "do good".   " These are the things which you should do;"  He tells them... more reminders of what His people need in their hearts.. " speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgement for peace in your gates. Also let none of you devise evil in your heart against another, and do not love perjury; for all these are what I hate, declares The Lord." 8:16-17
Fasting and mourning went with repentance and exile.  God is now changing the fasts - all of them, not just the 5th month, but the 4th, 7th, and the 10th months - to celebrations!   They " will become joy, gladness, and cheerful feasts for the house of Judah; so love truth and peace."
These blessings will cause others to come to God too! They will come to seek The Lord and to ask for His favor.  Many peoples, mighty nations, will come running to God, hearing that He is with them.  What a wonderful image!
When we do all for Him, when are hearts are filled with His love, righteousness, and truth.  Not only are we blessed, but others will be drawn to Him, to seek Him and find Him also!  Fill me now Lord Jesus, with Your Spirit. Let Your Glory be seen in my life that others may desire to know You also.
Help me to do everything to the glory of God.  Thank You for Your Grace.  amen.

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