Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Praise The Lord who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  He is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds.  He is near to all who call on Him.  He keeps all who love Him.   This is the God, our King!  And this is why we bless His Name and praise Him every day.  I bless His Name by speaking out about the good things, the wonderful things, the great works He has done.  To tell of His greatness and goodness.   God saved me from my sins.  He washed me and cleansed me and made me pure and blameless through the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord.  God gave me a family and blessed me with a love for them and for my church as well.   God rescued me from bad choices  I have made and given me a life that has been to this point precious and sweet.
Not without trials, but the good far overshadowing the bad.  You have been kind to me Father.  Thank You.  Thank you for being my Healer, my Provider, my Protector.  My Shepherd.  I will bless Your Name forever and ever.   ( Ps. 145)

Philippians 2

To be like Christ.  That is the desire of God's heart for us.   Yet we cannot attain to that on our own.  He began that good work and He will be the One to complete it.  There is encouragement in Christ. There is consolation in His love. There is fellowship of the Spirit.  There is compassion and affection in Him.  So we are to:
Be of one mind.
Maintain the same love.
Be united in spirit.
Be intent on one purpose.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or empty conceit.
Be humble and regard others as more important than ourselves.
Look out for the interests of others.
Have the attitude of Jesus, Who humbled Himself, emptying Himself to become a man and dying on the cross.  Obedient unto death.
We work out our salvation with fear and trembling, in obedience to the will of God, who is at work in us to both " will and to work for His good pleasure."  To act without grumbling and complaining, holding fast to God's Word, blameless and beyond reproach - this is what makes us lights in the world.  Like Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus, we are to pour ourselves out in service to others. That they might have faith and joy also.

The Shepherd's voice is reminding me that I must put aside myself and my will and to look to His.  God's will and man's good.  Simplicity is what Thomas a` Kempis says.   Sometimes not so simple.  How do I do good to some who hide behind anonymous accusations?  How do I maintain unity in the spirit with one who has lied and then refused to identify themselves for reconciliation?   I need to consider them more important than myself.  But what does that mean?  That their comfort is more important than truth?   I still have no answers.  But I ask You Father to do in me what You will that Your work be complete in me.  Amen.

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