Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Praise to The Lord !  I will sing praises to my God while I have my being, the psalmist says.   While I can,  while I have breath, I will sing to Him!  You are my Hope Lord God!  You are Almighty God!  I will praise You.  You are faithful.  You are Just.  You are merciful.  You are kind.  You are loving.  You are Righteous.  I am so thankful that You reign forever!  Praise Your Name!

Ezekiel 43  Ezekiel is having a vision of the new temple and he sees the glory of the Lord returning to fill the house.  It is like the vision he had before and it once again brings him to fall on his face.  Here is the place of God's throne and " the place of the soles of My feet" ( v7).  Where God dwells among the sons of Israel. Forever.   But Israel still needs to be conscious of putting away her harlotries.  The corpses of the kings needed to be removed from their place near God's throne.   Any everything needed to be made exactly to God's standards.  The altar is to be made and the sacrifices offered according to God's commands.  Then He says "I will accept you"

The life and death of Jesus Christ was exactly according to God's standards.  The sacrifice He offered, Himself,  was perfectly completed. Because of this God says to us,  "I will accept you".
He alone can bring us into the presence of God.  Precious Jesus.  Thank You for being  the One who "keeps faith forever" Ps. 146:6.  You are my Lord and Savior and there is no other Name under heaven by which we are saved.
Praise the Lord!

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