Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We are to declare God's mighty acts and great unsearchable acts to the next generation.  If we are following David's example of blessing the Lord every day, then it will be natural to us and we will tell our children and grandchildren the works and acts of God.  Every Day!  That is the key.  Let my mouth speak of You O Lord, not of anything that is unworthy , let me not waste my  breath on that which is temporary and fading, but to declare Your acts, to bless Your Name forever and ever.  Especially to speak these before my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren.    Forgive me O Lord for meditating on lesser things than "The glorious splendor of Thy majesty, And on thy wonderful works" Ps. 145:5  Glorious splendor - comliness, beauty, excellence, glory, magnificence, grandeur.

Philippians 1

Paul prays for this church in Philippi.  He prays with joy because they are still partners in the gospel.  They are growing in faith.  They love and support him.  But they are facing persecution.
Paul prays for their love to abound more and more...in knowledge and discernment.
 For them to have real knowledge ( recognition and acknowledgement) and discernment. (perception/judgement)
That they may approve the things that are excellent. ( better of more value)
That they may be sincere ( genuine) and blameless until the day of Christ.
That they may be filled with the fruit of righteousness.
That they might conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
That they might stand firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel.
That they might not be alarmed by the opposition.
That they may know that to suffer for Christ's sake is a privilege granted to them.

Thomas a` Kempis said in his book  " Simplicity ought to be our intention; purity in our affections.  Simplicity doth tend towards God; purity doth apprehend and taste Him."  and " If thou intend and seek nothing else but the will of God and the good of thy neighbor, thou shalt thoroughly enjoy inward liberty. "

To focus on , meditate on the majesty and glory of God and His mighty works and to live with simply in the light of His Glory will bring us to live as Paul prays for the church.  Father, I pray for this for myself, for my family, and for my church.  Holy Spirit, let Your power flow in us, for You who
" began a good work" in us will "perfect it until the day of  Christ Jesus"  Amen!

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