Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Psalm 147 Praise The Lord !   "His understanding is infinite " v5.  Innumerable  intelligence, wisdom,   Discernment, skillfulness, reason.   There is not one thing that He does not know!  And in HIs infinite  understanding God chooses to heal the brokenhearted, bind the wounds of the afflicted,and bring down the wicked.   " The Lord favors those who fear Him, those who wait for His lovingkindness ."
Praise The Lord!

Ezekiel 34.  The shepherds of the flock of Israel have failed to do their job.  They have not fed the sheep, they have not taken care of the sick or broken, and have not sought for the lost. Instead they have used the sheep to fatten themselves and clothe themselves in their wool.  God is taking the flock out of the hands of the abusive shepherds and becomes their Shepherd Himself.  He will care for His sheep, He will feed them, deliver them, and bring them to rest.  He will seek the lost, bind up the broken, and strengthen the sick.  He will also judge between one sheep and another.  Between the rams and the male goats.  Between the fat sheep who push the others around and thrust at them with their horns and the lean who are oppressed .  Then He will set over His flock HIS SERVANT,  the Son of David .  Jesus Christ is the great shepherd .  He will feed the sheep and make them a blessing! Then they will know that  The Lord their God is with them.

The voice of the Shepherd:  this is all fulfilled in our Great Shepherd Jesus!  All that He did and said fulfilled this Word to Ezekiel .  This is the Family business ! Isn't it interesting that God describes Himself in this way?  A shepherd !  A shepherd Who cares for His sheep.  He cares for each of us that are His sheep.  The goats try to blend in with the sheep, but God is not fooled.  He will separate them out from His flock.  I am reminded of the flocks in Africa ,that run freely all over the towns.  I couldn't tell the difference between the goats and the sheep there until my sister told me that the ears of the sheep are different .  It helps to know what to look for when trying to distinguish between goats and sheep.  God doesn't have a problem with that but sometimes we do.  The shepherds job is spelled out here. Strengthen the sickly, heal the diseased, bring back the scattered, seek for the lost,  bring them to the Good Shepherd .  This is the Father's business, the business that the Son went about.  The business that we are also called to do as we follow Jesus.  Over and over Jesus spoke about the fact that He came to do His Father's work.  This is it!  What a wonderful picture of our Savior.  Thank You Lord!  Let us also be about the Father's business .

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