Monday, February 11, 2013

Psalm 147  - To sing praises to our God is a "good" thing.  It is pleasant and becoming. Acceptable and suitable for He has given us life and breath for that specific purpose.  We praise Him because of His goodness - He gathers outcasts, He heals the heartbroken, He binds our wounds.  We praise Him for He is strong  and infinite in understanding - He numbers and names the stars,  He helps the afflicted and takes down the wicked.  He is the Provider - clouds, rain, sunshine, snow, grass for the beasts and food for man.  He is the Protector -" strengthens the bars of your gates"  and "makes peace in your borders" , He melts the ice and snow!   He is imminent - He speaks to us - sends us His commands, declares His words, makes known His ordinances.  He is here and vocal about His will for our lives.  Yes, it is GOOD to praise the Lord our God!

Ezekiel 32  Over and over again God declares that no matter who they are, no matter how beautiful, powerful, mighty, or terrifying - death comes and judgement is rendered.  Egypt, Assyria, Elan, etc - powerful nations,  bringing terror upon their enemies are each slain, buried, and ashamed.  In life they were fierce and feared, but in death they are like any other corpse.  God will bring justice. And they will all know that He is the LORD!

ch. 33  The watchman's duty is to warn the people of the sword ( judgement) that is coming.  If the person does not listen to the warning then it is on his own head.  But if the watchman does not give the warning then he is guilty of the blood of those not warned.
God declares again that He will judge each person based on his deeds.  If a righteous person turns to sin, then he will be judged because of that sin.  If a wicked person repents and practices righteousness and justice, he will be given life. 
Jerusalem is taken captive, just as God warned.  The people come to Ezekiel and is mouth is opened to speak again.  Yet even now they are boasting that they will take possession of the land again.  God indites them for their sinful behavior - they eat meat with the blood in it,  they worship idols, they commit abominations,  they hear the Word, but don't do what they hear.   They "do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth and their heart goes after their gain."   They still want to live their own way and not submit to God.   Even with the desolation of Jerusalem they fail to fall on their faces before God and repent.

The Shepherd speaks clearly here.:
1. Judgement of the wicked is certain.  No matter who they are in this world, life ends and then the judgement.  
2.We have a responsiblity to warn others of the coming judgement.  What they do with that warning is up to them, but we must warn them.  
3. We must watch our own lives to keep walking in righteousness and justice.  To listen to the Word of God and to be careful to practice it. 

God is King!  He rules and reigns and His Word will be accomplished.  Listen carefully and do what He asks.  Praise Him.  Give honor, reverance, and glory to Him.  Obey with fear and trembling.
Praise the Lord.

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