Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ps 147. Prais The Lord!  Thanksgiving and praises are to be sung to The Lord . He provides for man  and for beast alike.  Rain and sunshine for the grass to grow.  Give us this day our daily bread ....a prayer of petition, necessary to make us remember that it is His Hand that feeds us.  We take so much for granted.   We fail to praise Him and thank Him for all things.  Forgive us this trespass also Father.  Thank You for your gifts and provisions.  Praise The Lord!

Ezekiel 35-36
Mt Seir or Edom is told that it will pay the consequences for its sin.  Because it betrayed Israel , because it loved bloodshed, because it claimed the land that belongs to God as its own, and because it spoke arrogantly against God.....He will bring judgement and desolation will come.  Not only will Mount Seir know that He is the Lord,  but it will also teach Israel more about The Lord .
Failure to love those Who God loves.
Failure to recognize that God owns everything .
Failure to bow before Him.
These sins of Edom brought about desolation - emptiness, worthlessness , devastation, waste.
True for nations and true for people.

Ch 36 God speaks to the mountains.  The land of Israel belongs to Him.  He will bring back His people to walk these heights again . Not because they deserve it but because of His holy Name. He will restore the nation.  He will give them new hearts, he will cleanse them from their filthiness and idols. He will give the Holy Spirit.  He will increase their grain and fruit .  And when they see that they will mourn over their sins.  When they see the nation of Israel like the garden of  Eden, flocks and fruit and strong cities and multiplied people.... They will know that God, their God alone is Lord!

The Shepherd speaks to me about consequences .  To look to God, to praise Him and thank Him, to recognize Who He is and that all belongs to Him and all we have comes from Him. This is the attitude that is right in His sight and that He blesses.  It takes a new heart from Him and the Holy Spirit within to live and be fruitful.  This is His desire for us.  But those who refuse to believe and obey and bow before Him.  The arrogant and rebellious, who think that they can do whatever they choose.  Their destiny is sure.  Waste and emptiness.  Desolation.   The Little book The Imitation of Christ states that we need "compunction of heart ". An anxious awareness of our guilt. Remorse for our sins.  We want to be comforted and consoled by The Lord, but we fail to mourn over sin and absence of holiness.  Search your self.  Come with all humility.  Ask for a spirit of compunction .  A very hard prayer indeed.

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