Thursday, February 14, 2013

Psalm 147:18. "He sends forth His word and melts them; he causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow."    Wind - ruwach - breath / spirit.   Praise the Lord! The wind/ breath of the Lord is the Spirit who brings life!  Which brings me into today's passage in Ezekiel chapter 37'. The vision of dry bones.

Ezekiel is taken to a valley covered with dead men's bones.  Dry bones, long dead , no flesh, no life left.  No hope of life remains.  That's how the people of Israel saw themselves . Dried up, no hope, cut off. (V 11). This extraordinary vision given to Ezekiel reveals the Truth of God's power and grace.  He asks Ezekiel , " Son of man, can these bones live?"  Only God knows that , Ezekiel wisely answers.  And just like that the bones rattle and join together in just the right way, the sinews attach themselves ,the flesh covers it all .  But all there is now is a lot of lifeless bodies.... Until God sends the wind, the breath comes into the lifeless bodies and they come alive.  A whole army of men.
This is what God will do with Israel .  He will take them out of their graves and breathe into them His Spirit and they will come to life.  This is what happens to each of us at the time of our salvation, the Spirit of God, the Breathe of life, comes into us and we become alive!   Oh praise the Lord, Who " causes  His wind to blow"!!!! Breathe on me Breath of Life! Restore hope and joy in Your presence! Amen

The Shepherd's voice speaks clearly:  He is the Breath of Life.  We need Him for for every breath we breathe.  He causes His Wind to blow.  That is His choice to do.   Every moment of every day and every night I am dependent on Him,  for physical life, spiritual life,  and for eternal Life.

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