Friday, March 1, 2013

"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness." Ps. 145:8   By His grace He sent Jesus Christ to pay the price for our sins.  In His mercy He does not give up on us when we fail and when we rebel.  He is eternally patient with us and loves us in spite of our weaknesses and ignorance.  "He is good to all"  v9 and He is " kind in all His deeds" v17.  Every day the sun rises and sets.  There is air to breath and water to drink.  Seeds planted in the ground take root and grow into bountiful fruit for us to eat.  He does not grow weary of human kind and destroy us with a Word.   Instead, He "is near to all who call upon Him" v18.  He fulfills "the desire of those who fear Him" v19.  He hears when we cry to Him, saves us and keeps us.  Bless His Name.  Speak well of Him every day!  "Great is The Lord and highly to be praised and His greatness is unsearchable" !

Philippians 3-4

The true circumcision are those who worship in the spirit of God and boast / glory in Christ Jesus, Paul tells us in Phil. 3:3.   To worship in spirit and in truth is what the Father seeks, Jesus told the Samaritan woman in John 4.   Worship is not a ritual done in a building.  Worship is a repsonse to the awareness of God's presence ( Tozer.. I think) .  It is initiated by God - He makes His presence known and I respond with worship. Romans 12:1 tells us " present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship"
To boast in Christ Jesus instead of one's own accomplishments is the foundation of true worship.   In Paul's day and culture/ religion the measure of religious status was all centered on the person's accomplishments.  Paul had the credentials - Jewish from birth, circumsized according to the law, a member of the tribe of Benjamin ( he had the right anscestory) A pharisee, a zealous persecutor of sinners, blameless according to the law of Moses - outwardly at least.   But he found out that all of that was worthless!  Trash!  It meant nothing at all to God because it ignored the perfect Son of God.
To know Jesus Christ the Lord is what has value.   To gain Him.  To be found in Him. To know the power of His resurrection.  To know the fellowship of His sufferings.  To be conformed to His death. This is what has value. This is what is worth pressing on for. Worth waiting for. Because when we know Him we will be ready for His return.  In Him we can rejoice! Instead of practicing the Law, Paul instructs us to practice what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, good, excellent, and worthy of praise. ( Phil 4:8)  The things he practiced.  Being forbearing, not being anxious, but praying and trusting in God.  Being thankful, standing firm, guarding our hearts and minds.  Relying on the strength of Jesus Christ and His grace. Trusting Him for all that we need. Giving to Him all that we have.
The world today has a different standard than those in Paul's time.  We measure religious success in different ways - our office or ministry, the size of our church, the largeness of our outreach.   Personally we might think it is how often we go to church or read our Bibles, pray or go to Bible studies.  But that is just as much rubbish as Paul had.  What is of value is knowing Christ Jesus.  To gain Him. To be found in Him. To share in His sufferings and death so that we might share in His resurrection.  It is having the "grace of The Lord Jesus be with your spirit"  Forgetting what "lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead"
Do what it takes to make this happen in me Lord Jesus! You alone are worthy of all praise.

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