Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Praise the Lord!  Our trust is to be in God alone.  There is no help or salvation in mankind.  Not a even a prince can live forever or be a source of salvation.  Only Christ!  As Thomas a` Kempis reminds us " For men soon change and quickly fail; but Christ remaineth for ever, and standeth by us firmly unto the end"  He tells us to learn to despise the outward and to give ourselves to the inward, to prepare our hearts for the Bridegroom, to let our thoughts fly to Him, to rest in His sacred wounds.
Psalm 146 :5 "How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, Whose hope is in the Lord"  Oh how wonderful He is!  How worthy of  all our praise.   He reigns!  Praise the Lord!

Ezekiel 40 begins a detailed description of  the new temple.  Similar but not exactly like Soloman's temple, this is thought to be the temple of the Millenium.  So detailed and orderly with exact measurements shown to Ezekiel by an angel with a measuring rod.  As I read through The Bible Knowledge Commentary and looked at their sketches I long to see it.  To know the marvel of seeing the Glory of the LORD filling the temple.   This had to be amazing for Ezekiel, but of course he had already had of vision of heaven, so maybe this wasn't as exciting to him.  But it had to be an encouragement after 25 years of exile.  There would come a day when Israel would again be the people of God.  A day when Jerusalem would be the city of God.  When the people would be worshippers of the only True God. Forever.  Oh what a day that will be!

The Shepherd's voice reminds me today that I must keep my eyes on Jesus, on the hope of His coming.  This world and our country in particular will fail.  We cannot trust in our government.  It is sinful and cannot help us.  God alone is our Hope and Help.   May my thoughts continually fly to You Jesus!  Fill me , dwell in me with all Your glory and beauty.  Let Your kingdom come.  amen

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