Monday, September 30, 2024

 I Peter 3;1-9   In chapter 2 Peter wrote of two specific purposes we have as believers.. in verse 9 he wrote that we are chosen as God's own possessions to "proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light."  And in verse 21 he wrote, " For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps."  We are called to proclaim His excellencies.. and to do what is right, just like Jesus. 

 In chapter 3 Peter gives us another exhortation of what we are called to do.. " To sum it up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you may inherit a blessing." 

This is what it looks like when we "die to sin"  and "live to righteousness".. when we follow the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls.

In the first 6 verses Peter addresses wives.  A believing wife, who is fulfilling her calling as noted above.. will have a godly character. She will be submissive to her husband. She willing subjects herself to the leadership of her husband.  She will be chaste.. modest, proper, innocent; and she will be respectful.  She will not just be shallow, thinking about her outward appearance, but she will have a "meek and quiet spirit" that is precious to God. This does not mean she is careless about her appearance.. it means that the most important thing in her life is living a life pleasing to the Lord.. which will be reflected in her attitude and actions... so much more beautiful than gold or fancy dresses. 

Verse 7 addresses the husbands.. who "likewise" need to strive to be the kind of husband that pleases God.. "giving honor to his wife".. treating her as one who may not have as much physical strength as he has, but who is a "fellow heir of the grace of life". 

Together, we live according to His purpose for us.. and receive His blessing! 

In this world, this message is misunderstood and hated.  But, to us who follow Jesus, we see that this is a greater way.. a higher path that we are called to walk.. to walk the way that He walked.  It takes His Spirit, transforming our thinking and conforming us to His image.. for the greatest purpose of all.. to receive His blessing... an inheritance that is "imperishable and undefiled"!  

Oh to be like Him.. Blessed Redeemer! 

Father, conform our hearts to Your heart.. transform our minds to the Mind of Christ.. May our inner beings be beautiful and precious to You... may we have a spirit of meekness and quietness.. with humility and harmony.. with kindness and compassion.  May we have the ability to return good for evil and grace for insults. May we be people who give blessings and not curses.  May we live to proclaim Your excellencies! May we follow the steps of Jesus our Lord.  We ask this in His Wonderful Name. Amen. 

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