Monday, September 9, 2024

 Zechariah 10  This chapter is full of metaphors and illustrations.  Again, the Lord is looking at His people.. who will be brought back.. restored.. and fully blessed. 

"Ask rain from the Lord at the time of the spring rain - the Lord who makes the storm cloud; and He will give them showers of rain, vegetation in the field of each man."  We are to ask the Lord for what is needed.. He alone can provide. He is the Sovereign God and only He controls the earth's resources. 

In contrast, verse 2 speaks against the idols and diviners.. those who have spoken lies and deceived the people.  They caused the flock to wander away.. and the shepherds failed to lead the sheep back to the Lord.  He takes things into His own hands..  He will punish the failing leaders.. and care for His flock Himself. 

"From Judah will come the cornerstone.. the tent peg.. the battle bow.. every ruler." Ready for battle.. Judah will fight.. " for the Lord will be with them." 

The Lord proclaims His plan for His people.. 

v6  He will strengthen them, save them, bring them back and have compassion on them.

v7 He will make them mighty, He will make their hearts glad, He will give their children reason to rejoice.

v8 " I will whistle for them to gather together, for I have redeemed them; and they will be as numerous as they were before." 

v12 " And I shall strengthen them in the Lord, and in His name they will walk, declares the Lord." 

God, our Creator and Sovereign Ruler, sent His Son, to be the Cornerstone, the One who He "appointed heir of all things.. " the One to whom all things are subject.. for whom all things were made and through whom all things came into being.  Jesus came to be the Shepherd for there is no other who can lead the flock back Home.  It is in His Name that we are strengthened.. it is in His name that we walk.. and gather together as the redeemed of the Lord. 

I do not know all of the meanings packed into this book of Zechariah.. but, I find hope.. I find renewal.. I find encouragement.. knowing that God sees us.. loves us.. calls for us.. and is ready to gather us together to be with Him forever more. 

Thank You Father.. we are listening.. for Your whistle.. and for Your trumpet. Strengthen us in Jesus... that we may walk with Him today.. In His name we pray. Amen. 

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