Monday, September 23, 2024

 I Peter 1:6-9  Peter and James both write about rejoicing in trials.  Our pastor just preached on this at my church yesterday... and so it seems as I come to this passage that the Shepherd has brought me here at this moment for a reason.  Besides these two passages I am just finishing a book called Coming Back by Steve and Valerie Bell.  It is a book of stories from people who experienced "various trials".. and are what the Bells call "spiritual survivors".  These survivors faced everything from extreme depression to the loss of a child who was abducted and murdered.  The message of this book is that we can come through horrible trials.. with our faith intact.. and even strengthened.   Peter and James are giving us a way to do the same!

Peter writes, " In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials.. " We need the reminder in the first 5 verses to know the "in this" part... It is the truth that we have been chosen by God.. that He has had great mercy on us and we are "born again" to a "living hope".  We have a secure inheritance awaiting us.. we have a powerful salvation that protects us. "In this".. in the truth of who we are in Christ.. we can rejoice even when we are in distress. 

Peter says that these trials bring about the "proof of your faith".. Our faith is something of great value..  "being more precious than gold which is perishable".  Gold is refined by the fire, we know.  The impurities are removed, so what is left is purer and of more value.  In the same way, trials in our lives reveal what is in our hearts.. and God will enable us to let go of those things that are impure.  So then...  our tested and proven faith "may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 

The Bells wrote this, " Crisis seems to be the real test of our theology. It forces our faith out of the academic and into life. Until we bump up against an extreme trial, we may not know what kind of faith we actually have.  In a sense, crisis reveals our most vulnerable area, where our faith may be weakest.... Our soul's deepest need is exposed in crisis." ( Spiritual Survivors; Coming Back) 

So how do we survive these "various trials"  and actually rejoice in them?  Peter tells us in verse 8, " and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls."  We hold on to the One who hold us in His Hands.  We cling to the Truth.  We believe what we cannot see.. that even in the trials, God is working His good will.  He is refining our faith.  He is purifying our faith.  He is completing what He has begun in us.. to the glory and honor and praise of the One who loved us and died for us. The One that we love even though we don't see Him now. He is preparing us for the eternal life that He has promised!  Hold on to these Truths!

Father in heaven, You know that we need You.. but sometimes we don't know how much we really need You until we are facing a crisis or any kind of trial. Thank You for using "all things" in our lives to accomplish Your good and perfect will in each of us.  You have known us.. individually.. and chosen us.  You are working to conform us to the image of Your Son.  You are for us.  You love us. And nothing.. can separate us from Your love. No trial. No crisis.  Nothing. Oh Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus!  Thank You Holy Spirit! Amen and amen. May we hold on tightly to Your Truth. In Jesus' name Amen. 

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