Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 I Peter 3 : 10-12  This quotation from Psalm 34 is the answer to David's question, "Who is the man who desires life, and loves length of days that he may see good?"  David calls to the children, "Come.. I will teach you the fear of the Lord..." 

Peter is continuing to describe what godly living looks like in a real person.. a wife who has inner beauty and gentle ways.. a husband who cares for and honors his wife.. a family that lives together in unity and are kind and compassionate to each other..  A church that exhibits brotherly love, humility, and that blesses others.  He adds the words of Psalm 34 to emphasize the godly character of believers in Christ Jesus...

Keep your tongue from evil.. as I remind my grandchildren.. words matter!  May we be conscious of what and how we speak, whether at home or out in public.. 

Keep your lips from speaking "guile" or deceit... don't lie, don't try to fool others, don't be evil !

Turn from evil and do good.. seek peace and pursue it.. Let the focus of our actions and words be filled with God's grace.. so that others may see Him. 

"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears attentive to their prayer.."  The psalmist goes on to say "The righteous cry and the Lord hears... "  He is "near to the brokenhearted, and saves those crushed in spirit.."  He is our Deliverer and Redeemer.. He is our Refuge and Help.. 

" O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together." ( Psalm 34: 3)

In the Light of His greatness and love for us.. we can turn from every evil way and seek to do good.. in words and in actions. We can do this because He hears our prayers and draws near to us.

Father, how we thank You for loving us so!  May Your Name be exalted in all the earth, Lord God.  May this world filled with darkness and evil turn from wickedness and seek You.  May Your Light, the Light of the world, flow through Your children as we follow Him. Make us more like Jesus today we pray. Amen.

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