Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 I Peter 1:10-25  "As to this salvation... "  

The salvation that will be revealed in its fullness on that day.(v5). 

The salvation that the prophets foretold..(v10)

The salvation that the "angels long to look" at.. (v12)

The salvation revealed to us through the gospel..(v12)

The salvation that is the outcome of our faith..(v9)

This salvation.. changes everything in our lives.  Peter tells us to "gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you  at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 

Gird your mind.. Be spiritually alert and prepared.  Be ready to act. Be sober.. calm, watchful, not distracted by the things of the world, not controlled by anything but the Holy Spirit. Be fixed on, set your heart on the hope that comes through the grace of Jesus.. .. perfectly, completely waiting for that salvation.. with joy and confidence. 

Our lives are changed by this salvation.  We become "obedient children". We are no longer conformed to the sinful ways that we once embraced. We have been made holy.. and we desire to remain holy in all our ways. We "conduct [ourselves] in fear during the time of [our] stay upon earth."  (v17) 

Our Father is an impartial judge.  He has redeemed us with the "precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ."  He sent His only Son for "the sake of you".  It is through Christ Jesus that we become believers in God.. the One who raised Him from the grave and gave Him glory! 

This truth, Peter wrote, purifies our souls and gives us a sincere love for our brothers and sisters.  We have been "born again" with the "imperishable" seed.. the "living and abiding word of God."  This word will never pass away! This word is the gospel that was preached to us and we received. This is the salvation that protects us now and awaits us for eternity!

Father in heaven, how can we thank You for this great salvation? We want to fully embrace Your truth and live in holiness and reverent fear... for You are the Holy One who will judge us each, impartially and justly. How thankful we are for the blood of the Lamb, that covers us, that provided deliverance from the penalty of sin.  We come before You with hearts that are made new because of Your great love.  Oh how we love You and thank You for such grace!  One day we will  stand before You ... in Christ alone.. spotless and blameless., because You are faithful and You will sanctify us entirely according to Your word. Hallelujah and amen. Have Your way in us today, Lord, I pray. Amen. 

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