Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Malachi 1  The final book of the Old Testament.. the words of a prophet who lived after the exile.. after the temple was rebuilt.. after 100 years back in the homeland.  And.. already, the people have become discouraged.. they have forsaken the ways of the Lord.. they have lost hope. 

But, God said, "I have loved you."   They couldn't see Him. They didn't feel His love. They saw the destruction of Edom, and wondered if they were next.  They wouldn't just take God at His Word.. "I have loved you." 

Verses 6-14 are addressed to the priests and to those who offered sacrifices.  " A son honors his father and a servant his master.. Then if I am a father, where is my honor? And if I am a master, where is my respect?"  The Lord calls them out for offering "defiled" offerings.  They were commanded to bring the best.. of the flock.. the first and finest of the harvest.. the finest of oil.  But, they brought blind sheep. They brought stolen goods. They brought sick or lame offerings.. "Should I receive that from your hand?"  

God is holy.  He requires holiness in those who come to worship Him.  He requires His Name to be magnified and feared.. in His people and in all the nations as they observe His people.  That was not happening then.. it is not happening now. 

What is the Shepherd saying to us today? He is still saying..   "I have loved you."  How has He loved us?  He sent His precious Son, to bear our sins on a cruel cross. He made Him suffer for our evil ways.  He has not treated us as our sins deserve.. but instead He has forgiven us, redeemed us, restored us... and made us new.  He has a good plan for us now.. and an eternal future beyond this world.. prepared for us.  Yes, He has loved us!

He also is calling us to pure worship. To honor His name and  respect to His Lordship over us.  Are we bringing less than our best when we come before Him?  Are we coming to church with wrong motives.. going through the motions without giving ourselves fully to Him?  He is worthy of all glory and honor and praise.  Let us come before Him with humble and contrite hearts.. with our whole selves, bowing before Him in reverence and gratitude. 

Father, we want to bring You pure worship.. to honor You as our Father.. to respect You as our King and Master. We want to come with our whole hearts.. to love You as You have loved us. Cleanse us from all iniquity and cover us with the righteousness of our dear Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is in His Name that we pray..Amen. 

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