Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 I Peter 2:1-3  We have this powerful salvation through the Lamb of God and through the Word that abides forever.. now Peter tells us to "grow up in your salvation" .  

He has reminded us that we are called to be "holy yourselves in all your behavior"(1:15)  "Therefore" he writes, "putting aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord." 

Malice - wickedness, naughtiness, depravity, trouble.. ill-will;  As believers and followers of Jesus there is no place for this kind of behavior in our lives... even if it is ill-will against someone "more wicked" than ourselves. 

Guile - trickery, deceit, craftiness;  As Jesus taught.. let our yes be yes and our no.. no. Speak truth. Be honest even when it hurts. 

Hypocrisy - another kind of deceitfulness.. pretending.. acting one way and saying something different. 

Envy - jealousy, spite, 

Slander - defamation; backbiting; evil speaking; 

As born again children of our Heavenly Father, we are to put away .. rid ourselves.. of these kinds of behaviors.  We can do so by drinking in the Word of Truth.. by tasting the goodness of the Lord, receiving nourishment from the eternal source that abides forever. 

Jesus said, "It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." ( Matthew 4:4)  This is a quotation from Deuteronomy 8:3.. in a passage that the Lord speaks to His people, reminding them of how He has provided for them and is bringing them into a good land where every need will be provided for.  When we remember these truths.. taking in the Word of truth.. we will grow in our salvation, and we will not longer allow wickedness, deceit, spite, or backbiting to be part of our lives. We will be built up.. into the chosen people that God has called us to become. We will be satisfied in Him, whom we trust. 

Father in heaven, Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path.. It is our sword of the Spirit.. It is the Word of life. It is by your Word that we hear and have faith. It is our daily bread and our living water that never runs dry.  It is the living Word, active and sharper than a two-edged sword.  May we desire Your word every day.. may we drink in this "pure milk" that helps us to grow up in our salvation.  Teach us more Holy Spirit as we look into the holy word, bring understanding .  Renew our minds and conform us to the image of the Savior. We ask this in His holy name. Amen.

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