Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Malachi 4  The final word of Malachi speaks of a time to come, when there will be a certain judgement.  On that day, the Lord declares that the proud or arrogant.. "all that do wickedly".. will be set on fire.. burned up.. and there will be "not a root or a branch" left. 

 The Lord had called Israel His vineyard where He had planted "the choicest vine"  ( Isaiah 5:2)..  but when they turned from Him and chose idols instead of Him.. when they didn't produce good fruit... He said that the vineyard would be "laid waste".  He desired "justice but behold bloodshed".  He looked for "righteousness but behold, a cry of distress". ( v7) 

"But for you who fear My name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall."   This is a picture of life.. of beauty and joy.. of a day  that the Lord is preparing for those who fear Him and obey His word. 

v 4 "Remember the law.. "  He reminds His people. This is what sets apart those who will be saved and those who will be burned to stubble.  It will be a "terrible day of the Lord".. for those who will not return to Him.  But, for those who do, the Lord says He will... "restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.. " 

The Lord always gives us a choice.. life or death.. His way or our own way.  We choose to believe His word or we don't.  We choose to obey His commands or ignore them.. or even willfully disobey them. We choose to follow Jesus and have eternal life. Or we choose to reject Him and earn the wages of sin.. death. Malachi teaches us that we need to make a choice.. that we need to carefully consider all we do and say.. and make every choice according to the Word of the Lord. 

Choose to honor the Name of the Lord. 

Choose to bring an acceptable offering to Him.. the "whole tithe".. your whole self. 

Choose to speak truth and preserve knowledge. 

Choose to love your spouse. 

Choose to love your neighbors as yourself. 

Choose humility and not arrogance. 

Choose to serve the Lord.. in trusting Him and in obedience to His commands. 

Father, come with healing, come with restoration, come with blessing and joy.. to build Your church, to heal our land, and to make us Your people. We choose You, "Thou art a God of forgiveness, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness." ( Nehemiah 9:17) You will not forsake Your own.   May You say of us  today... " They are Mine."  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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