Wednesday, April 3, 2024

 Hosea 9 The punishment that Israel would suffer because of the greatness of their sins.. is horrific.. It would effect every aspect of their lives.. 

They would not be able to produce enough food to eat. (v2)

They would be exiled out of the promised land. (v3)

They would lose all of their sacred rites.. no more sacrifices.. no more feasts.. no more worship of the One True God. (v4-5)

They would lose their homes. (v6)

And, they would lose their children.  "Though they bring up their children, yet I will bereave them until not  a man is left. Yes woe indeed when I depart from them!" (v12) 

"Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more;"

Fruitless.. Childless.. and Homeless..  " My God will cast them away because they have not listened to Him.. " (v17)  

Father in heaven, there are so many people following this sad and horrible path to destruction.. O may ears be opened and hearts changed.. Let the power of Your grace.. through Jesus Christ be proclaimed from the rooftops and may the ears of those who are imprisoned by their own sins.. hear and turn to You. You are our only hope and Your love never fails.. so we pray that You will move in our land so that many more will repent and find the salvation that Jesus came to provide for us. We ask this in His powerful and wonderful name... Amen.

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