Monday, April 22, 2024

 Joel 2-3 The rest of this book bounces back and forth between a day of judgement and a day of restoration.. both coming from the hand of the Lord. 

 On one hand the people are to be glad.. for the Lord will give them new grain and wine.. the rains will come.. the fields will grow.. and all will be satisfied with plenty.  They will praise the name of the Lord.. "who has dealt wondrously with [them]".. 

On the other hand.. judgement for sin will be brought upon all the nations. There will be wars.. the sun and moon will darken.. God will bring recompense upon those who came against His people. Justice will be served... 

So much of Joel's prophecies seem to be similar to what we read in the book of Revelations.  The warning is clear.. the Day of the Lord is coming and our only hope is the Lord. " And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered." (2:32)

Until then it is important to know that God is still at work calling people back to Himself.. He has poured out His Spirit "on all mankind".. to prophesy.. to dream dreams.. to see visions.."  He will display His wonders in the sky.. He will be in the midst of His people and He will render judgement upon those who hate Him and His people. 

Father in heaven, we thank You for saving us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Beloved Lamb who was slain for our sins.  Help us to be ready for that great day that is coming.. let Your Spirit overflow in us so that Your Word will be preached all over this world.. before it is too late.  Change hearts and lives this day. Send us.. and strengthen us to do the work that You have planned for us. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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