Monday, April 1, 2024

 Hosea 7  The Lord wanted to heal Israel, but they first had to acknowledge the depth of their sinfulness.  They were dishonest. They robbed one another. They practiced adultery and drank until they made themselves sick.  Anger and violence filled them.. "their hearts are like an oven.. their anger smolders all night, in the morning it burns like a flaming fire.." 

The people were consumed with their sin and consumed their rulers  "like an oven".  They did not "consider in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness.. "  (v2) The Lord says.. " None of them call on Me." ( v7) They wouldn't turn to Him. They wouldn't seek Him. They wouldn't listen to His Words of warning through the prophets.  "I would redeem them, but they speak lies against Me. And they do not cry to Me from their hearts." (v13)

This is the portrait of a nation.. that had everything.. and gave it all up because they rejected the One who loved them.  This also is a portrait of every person who refuses to turn to the Lord who wants to heal them, to save them, to deliver them.. to "redeem them". 

We live in a world where anger burns like an oven.. where hearts are wicked and stubborn.. where people reject God and are consumed by their own sins.  We are shocked when a news report tells of another shooting.. a senseless killing.. a horrible rage-filled attack on innocent bystanders or not so innocent family members. But.. where sin runs deep.. hearts are consumed by it.

Here is what the Good Shepherd says to this world we live in... " I would heal you.  I would redeem you. I would save You.. Call on Me.. Seek Me.. Turn to Me.. Cry to Me.. "  As Paul wrote.. where "sin increased, grace abounded all the more.. " (Romans 5:20) We have a God who is greater than all our sin! Hallelujah! Jesus came to seek and save the lost!

Father, we know that there are so many around us who are not only lost.. but they are like smoldering ovens, ready to burn like flaming fires.. they are hurt and angry and filled with hatred.  And many  of them do not even know why.. for they have not heard Your Word and they do not know You.  Father, we pray that Your Word would "... spread rapidly and be glorified" as You send forth workers into the harvest fields. ( II Thes. 3:1)  You are faithful and You will direct us into Your love and the steadfastness of Christ.  Strengthen us by Your power and grace.  Protect us from evil and grant us Your peace.  Open our eyes to see the ones who need to hear Your voice and help us to speak up! We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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