Friday, April 12, 2024

 Philippians 2:17-30  Paul reminded the church that Jesus, Himself, is our example of how to walk in a manner that is "worthy". The fact that He stepped down from Glory and became an offering for our sins.. dying on a cross.. was the supreme example of humble obedience. 

Here we see that Paul is also an example for us.. "But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you." (v17)   Paul could have acted pridefully at his position as an apostle of Christ.. he could have lorded it over the churches he started.. but he never did.  He gave himself.. in words... in prayers.. in actions.. for those that he considered his children in Christ.  He was rejoicing even in his imprisonment.. for those he loved were growing in their faith. 

Paul also talks about Timothy, his co-worker and his "son" in the faith.  Timothy was another example of someone who walked in a manner worthy the gospel.  He was a trusted messenger. He was "of a kindred spirit" with Paul.  He was "genuinely concerned" for the welfare of the church. Timothy "served" well in furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

There is one more example given in this chapter.. Epaphroditus. Paul considered this man his "brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier".  Epaphroditus has come from Philippi and knew them personally.  He had suffered a grave illness that almost killed him.. but he was more distressed because the church was concerned about him than about himself.  

Humble obedience, serving others.. rejoicing in the spiritual growth of others.. being genuinely concerned for the welfare of the church.... even willing to be "poured out".. for the church and for the gospel of Jesus Christ.. this is what our Lord desires for us.  May His Spirit fill us more and more with His grace and peace that we might conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel!

Father, give us ears to hear and hearts to obey.. fully and completely... by the power of Christ in us.. the hope of glory. Amen. 

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