Monday, April 29, 2024

 Colossians 2:6  "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him."  

Paul  reminded his readers of Who they now belong to: Jesus.. "the image of the invisible God"; the One through whom all things were created.. and "for" whom all things were created;  Jesus.. who is before all things and who holds all things together.  Jesus, the head of the church.. His body.. who He reconciled to Himself.. and in whom all the treasures of God are made known. 

This is the Jesus we must "walk" in.  The life we now lead.. is to be in Him.  We are to be "rooted" and "built up"  in Him.  We are to be established in our faith.. in Him. 

In Christ we stand.. not allowing the empty philosophies of this world deceive us.  In Him.. we are "made complete".. and do not turn to any other source of life.. He is our Head.  He rules over us. He is the only authority that we must submit to...  

In Christ.. our hearts are circumcised.. removing the "body of the flesh".. In Him we were buried.. by baptism.. and "raised again with Him through faith". He made us alive. He forgives our trespasses. He cancels out our debts.  "He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross." 

Jesus.. "disarmed" every ruler.. every authority.. He triumphed over them all! 

"Therefore".. Paul says.. don't let anyone tell you that you need any other salvation.. no food.. no drink.. no sacrifice.. no observing certain days.. no rituals.. no "self-made religion".. no "self-abasement".. nothing else has authority to save.  Nothing else can add to what Jesus alone has done!

"Hold fast to the head"... Paul writes.. Hold fast to Jesus... the One who holds all things together.. "the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and  ligaments,".. to "grow with a growth which is from God." 

Father in heaven, You are our Almighty God who has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and placed us in the Kingdom of Jesus. We live.. because of Him.  We want nothing to keep us from being made complete in Jesus. Have Your way in us today. May we hold fast to Him.. today and every day.   In the Name of Jesus we pray. Amen. 

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