Friday, April 5, 2024

 Hosea 11  In this chapter the Lord shows us His heart.. the heart of a Father..  "When Israel was a youth I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son." 

The Lord tells us that it was He who "taught Ephraim to walk".. That He "took them in [His] arms".  He healed them.  He drew them with "bonds of love".  He took off their yoke of bondage and "bent down and fed them." 

But, even with all of that.. they were rebellious. They were "bent on turning from " Him.  The more that the prophets spoke.. the more the people rebelled.  They would not call on the Lord to be saved. 

Yet, even though judgement would come because of their sinfulness.. God's heart is still a Father's heart for His son..  "My heart is turned over within Me. All My compassions are kindled.. " 

God chooses not to destroy His wayward sons.. He will call them back to Himself.. "He will roar like a lion; Indeed He will roar, and His sons will come trembling from the west." 

God is not done with His people. He is not done with us either. The beauty of His love shines through this tender picture of a Father's heart .. So  thankful that He has made a way for us to turn back to Him and find His arms opened wide as we run back home. 

Father in heaven, we have all gone astray.. we have all rebelled at one time or another.. but You never stopped loving us and wanting us!  O Hallelujah!  We are so thankful!  Keep us in Your hands.. hold us in Your arms and draw us with Your great love. May we walk in Your ways and serve You with hearts of love..all our days. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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