Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 Hosea 8 "Put the trumpet to your lips!"  The Lord tells His prophet.. ".. the enemy comes against the house of the Lord."   They had "transgressed"  and they had "rebelled".(v1)  They claimed to know God, but rejected the "good" that He taught them.  They chose kings and appointed princes.. by their own wills and not by God's will.  They made idols of gold and silver.. idols that would be smashed to pieces. 

"How long will they be incapable of innocence?"  Indeed, how long will we be the same?

Because of the greatness of their sin the Lord was bringing judgement.. they would "sow the wind" and "reap the whirlwind".. Their crops would fail. Their allies would betray them. Their sacrifices would be rejected.  

This is a grave word.. "But the Lord has taken no delight in them. Now He will remember their iniquity, and punish them for their sins.... For Israel has forgotten his Maker." 

This message to Israel was not heeded. They did not repent and judgement came.  The message continues to be proclaimed.. to all the world.. and to every heart.. Listen for the trumpet sound!  The day of judgement is coming.. but right now.. it is not too late to turn back!  We can remember the truth of God's Word.. we can choose to obey His voice.. we can know the Lord our God.. and delight in Him forever!

Father, let Your words be broadcast across the land again today.. Give us ears to hear and the will to obey. Help us to seek You and find You.. to worship You and to love You with all our hearts and souls. In Christ we come.. Amen. 

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