Thursday, April 4, 2024

 Hosea 10 Each message that Hosea speaks to Israel drives home the fact that they were heading for judgement because of their wickedness.  "Their heart is faithless.. now they must bear their guilt."  This is the verdict against every rebellious and sinful heart. Every false idol will be destroyed.. every place once thought sacred will be torn down.. taken away.. or covered with thorns and thistles.  

The Lord says that they "have plowed wickedness" and would "reap injustice".  They had "eaten the fruit of lies".  They continually chose to live the way they wanted and would not turn back to Him. 

This is truth.. for Israel.. and for every one of us. If our hearts are faithless... if we live outside of His will.. if we choose to put ourselves or our "idols".. whatever they may be... first..  and do not turn back to God, then the same judgement will come upon us.  Everything will be taken away, torn down, or covered by thorns and thistles..  

Why is there so much heartache and suffering in our world? Why so many broken homes?  Why so many homeless and abandoned people? Why so much violence and destruction? Why do so many turn to drugs?  Why so many suicides?  It is spoken clearly in God's Word.. sin begets more sin.. we cannot sow sin and reap goodness.. There is no hope without Jesus!

"Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord until He comes to rain righteousness on you. "(v12) 

Hard hearts can be changed!  We have a great God and nothing is impossible for Him! This is the message of truth that we need to hear and to share!  It is time to seek the Lord!

Father in heaven, holy and mighty are You!  Thank You for giving us living hope in Christ Jesus.. Hope that will not fail.. Hope that will never fade.. for we having a living Savior and He is in the world today!  He brings life to the dead hearts. He brings light into the dark places.  Our Lord has not forsaken us and he is coming again!  Rain down on us with Your righteousness and Your peace, Lord God. Grant repentance and forgiveness to all who call on You.  Open eyes to see the Truth we pray.. in Jesus' powerful Name. Amen. 

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