Thursday, August 17, 2023

 Jeremiah 3 God continues to speak to Judah about her sinfulness.  The illustrations that He used in chapter 2 are graphic... shocking even..  a "harlot"; a "degenerate shoot";  a "wild donkey... in heat".  It continues in this chapter.. "But you are a harlot with many lovers... where have you not been violated?"  He asks them.

 "Yet you turn to Me."  They are like a woman who is divorced, belongs to another man and then goes back to the first when she needs something. They have lived in wickedness and have refused to be ashamed of their behavior.. wanting only their own way.  But now,  there was no rain... crops were failing.. life was not comfortable.. trouble was coming and they were crying out, "My Father, Thou art the friend of my youth.. "  

Israel had already been sent away.  Judah had watched. But instead of repenting and turning to God.. they "did not fear"... but came to the Lord "in deception".  He calls Israel "faithless" and Judah "treacherous".  In God's view the deception of Judah was even worse than the faithlessness of Israel. 

God's view of sin... makes me stop in my tracks here.  I don't even know how to express what this impresses on my heart.. Sin is a complete betrayal against the Lover of our souls.  It is a personal wound upon the heart of the One who loves His own.. Who would give them all they need.. Who would protect and care for them.. And, Who even now... is willing to forgive the sin done against Him... 

Father in heaven, let our hearts be broken over the wickedness and faithlessness of our nation.. of our world.. of our own selves. Please forgive us.. for being like Judah.. pretending to have faith, but living in deception and treachery.  Uncover those secret sins in Your people.. that we might hear You and turn back... before it is too late..    Thank You that You are gracious and You will not be angry forever! Thank You that when we acknowledge our sins and repent.. to return to You.. in truth and in Your Spirit.. that You will restore us.. heal us.. and be our salvation!  What else. can we say, Lord?  You are an awesome God! In the Precious Name of Jesus we come to You, laying down our lives before You.. all glory and honor and praise to our God! Amen. 

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