Wednesday, August 16, 2023

 Jeremiah 2: 20-37 

God had brought Israel out of slavery "For long ago I broke your yoke and tore off your bonds".. but they had chosen to enslave themselves "on every high hill and under every green tree.."  Like harlots.. 

God had planted them in the promised land.. "a choice vine".  But they had turned themselves "into the degenerate shoots of a foreign vine." 

They tried to wash themselves with lye and soap.. but God still saw their sinful stains. 

They claimed to not be defiled.. but God saw what they were doing in secret and called them out "Know what you have done!"

God compared them to a camel or donkey in heat.. living in shameful ways. 

They had turned to useless idols.. "Who say to a tree, 'You are my father' and to a stone, 'You gave me birth'".  They turned their backs on God.. until trouble hit. Then they cried out.  Now, God tells them, ".. where are your gods which you made for yourself?  Let them arise, if they can save you.. "

God had sent warnings and discipline with no effect.. "They would accept no chastening." They would not admit their sinfulness.. let alone change their ways.  They considered themselves innocent while the blood of the poor stained their clothing. 

For all these reasons God was ready to bring judgement on Judah.  And in the same way.. God sees us. He sees the evil in our world today.. the degenerate generation, those who live shamefully.. who think their secret sins cannot be seen.. who fail to acknowledge that there is a God to whom they will have to give account to.  But,  His judgement will come.  There are warnings and there is discipline.. but our world explains it away.. thinks they can control what happens in a world that belongs to God alone.  But, they cannot. 

  We each make a choice.. to bow before the Lord who alone is God of the heavens and the earth.. or to face His wrath. And it is coming. 

Father in heaven , we confess that You alone are the God who can save us. We are totally incapable of righteousness and holiness. We need the cleansing that You alone can provide.. by the shed blood of the Lamb of God.. Jesus Christ.  May we heed Your Word and repent of our sins and surrender our all to Jesus. Again we pray for revival in our land.  Come Lord Jesus.. breathe forth Your Spirit across our nation that many more will confess their sins, repent, and follow You.  We ask this in Your holy Name. Thank You for the grace and mercy that You have poured out to all who will believe. May the Name of Jesus be exalted and all glory be given to the Lord our God and King. Amen. 

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