Friday, August 18, 2023

 Jeremiah 3: 11-   Israel was "faithless" and Judah was "treacherous".  Israel had turned away from God.. but Judah took it further with her deceptions and betrayals against the Lord.  Their wickedness was so awful that it made Israel look "more righteous".  Ezekiel gives a graphic picture of these two in Chapter 23 of that book.  When we see this intense.. shocking... portrait of God's view of their sinfulness.. we begin to grasp the severity of His judgement.. the pouring out of His wrath. 

But.. Our God is not done with His people..or with us!  As Psalm 86 declares.. " For Thou, Lord art good and ready to forgive, and abundant in lovingkindness.. "  He gives Jeremiah a message for faithless Israel.. " Return.. I will not look upon you in anger.  For I am gracious.. I will not be angry forever."  This is God's amazing grace! 

"Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against the Lord your God."  This is God's call to us all.  It is the message of John the Baptist.. Repent!  It is the message of Jesus.. Come!  It is the message of the disciples and the message of the church.  For if we confess our sins.. He is righteous and just to forgive our sins. And, when we return to Him.. He will do great things for us and in us..

"And I will bring you to Zion. Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding... At that time they shall call Jerusalem, 'The Throne of the Lord', and all the nations will be gathered to it, to Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord; nor shall they walk anymore after the stubbornness of their evil hearts."  He will give us a "beautiful inheritance".  We will call Him  "My Father." He will heal our faithlessness.  "Surely, in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel." 

Father in heaven, You are good and You have done wondrous works that no one else could ever do.. You have provided us this great salvation through Jesus Christ Your Son.  How amazing is Your grace!  That our sins.. which are treacherous.. faithless...treasonous.. that break Your heart because we betray Your love..   They are forgiven.. cleansed.. removed.. O Father.. How great is Your lovingkindness towards us! For while we were yet sinners.. rebellious, stubborn, deceitful.. Christ died for us.  We praise Your holy Name.  I love You Lord and I want to be faithful and please You in all my ways.  Help me.. help us, Your people..  Lord,  to seek after Your  heart.. to gather at Your throne and to glorify You in all our days.  In Christ we come and ask this.. Amen. 

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